Tuesday 26 August 2014

Fruiting plant technology at any time.

Trick providing or creating situations that bear fruit crops throughout the season. Fruit trees in the tropics, generally only bear fruit once a year, occurred in a relatively short time of the season. At that time, fruit is abundant and often more easily damaged. As a result, the fruit growers have difficulties in storage and cause major losses.
Overcome it, experts have found the technology, so that the plant can bear fruit any time. The goal is to maintain the availability of fruit at any time in the market, and can benefit from the high price of fruit. The technology that has been produced in a way that is physically and chemically manipulate the tree. Threshing leaves, drought stress and water use of plant growth regulators (PGR), a way that has been done to produce fruit all the time.

Flowering process. 

Flowering is the beginning of success to fruition. Flowering experiencing complex process. The period of sexual reproduction (flowering) plants annuals, triggered by changes in day length (photoperiod), also known as long-day plant (long-day plant) and short-day plants (short-day-plant).
Moleculer genetic approaches have identified genes involved in flowering. Reproductive development, usually initiated when the protein-flowering booster has been accumulated to a certain level. The protein encoded by the gene flowering locus T.
Transition of vegetative to generative growth in annual crops, occur once in the life cycle of plants. Transitions include changes in apical meristems that grow into flowers. Most fruit trees are polikarpik plants, which have to maintain vegetative growth in most of the bud.
Season play a role in flower development. Flower induction and flower bud differentiation occurs before the trees dormant in the winter, so the process of the emergence of spring flowers can occur. The time required since the induction until the flowers appear over 10 months.
Photoperiod signals regulate plant dormancy in cold regions, and are not directly involved in the control of floral induction in the annual tree. Environmental stimuli (temperature cool and dry) play a role in flower induction in the tropics and sub-tropics. In the end the temperature cool and dry, flowering intensified.
Hormone gibberellins (GAS) play a role in the growth of flowers and fruit in higher plants. Gas control the vegetative and generative growth stages. Gas inhibit flower bud differentiation and flowering vegetative growth and encourage more intensive.

Orange flowering. 

Oranges originated from wet tropical areas in China and Southeast Asia. Now it has spread in the region 40o N to 40o LS. Orange flowering is triggered by cold temperatures or drought stress, followed by restoration of environmental conditions. The level of protection is of interest, proportionate to the time and the stress levels of stress.
Davenport did Southwich and water stress, at intermediate and high level, ie -2.8 and -3.5 MPa (midday leaf water potential) for 2-5 weeks.
After two weeks of water stress, resulting in leaf water potential (early morning) -0.9 MPa to -2.25 MPa (during the day). It has been quite induce generative shoots. Medium water stress treatment resulted in 9 shoots, 32-90% are generative shoots per plant. High water stress produce 50 shoots, 84% are generative shoots. Control only produce 3 or 4 of which are vegetative buds. Shoot growth occurs at the optimum soil water conditions after water stress is removed, the result is not found differences in shoot length between treatments.
Water stress techniques to make citrus fruit twice a year in the paddy fields, has been done by farmers since 1980, while in the land fruitful land only once. In the dry season, farmers drying rice fields with surjan system. When the leaves have wilted non-permanent (about 1-1.5 months after drying), NPK fertilized crops, irrigated ditch full canopy of leaves and drenched with water.

Apples flowering. 

Apple crop area is cool, which is experiencing dormancy. To break dormancy need colder temperatures (chilling requirement), the most effective at 2oC compared 6oC> 10oC. In tropical regions, such as in Batu Malang, apples cultivated feasible, because the temperature is relatively stable and has a chilling temperatures, and plants do not require dormancy for the winter (winter).
The technique does is prevent the plants enter a period of dormancy, and threshing the whole leaf (defoliation), before the buds enter dormancy. Defoliation techniques successfully applied to the cultivation of apple and peach in some tropical countries, so bear fruit twice a year. Defoliation can be performed directly by mechanical or chemical means (10% CuSO4 or 10% urea), or indirectly by drying so that the leaves wither and fall.
Leaf defoliation effectiveness in inducing flowering, can be improved by cutting the tree tops and branches bending. Both ways, such as the influence of temporary drought, reducing the strength of apical dominance and encouraging flower induction and flower development of the next; while the tree vigor spur spur growth, can be flowering in the next season.

Mango flowering. 

Mango fruit on top. Factors that determine the change from vegetative to generative growth largely unknown, although a period of cold temperatures (<18oC) before the flowering period thought to play an important role. In Indonesia, for three-month drought thought to be important for mango flowering, although it may be shorter. In the Philippines, mango flowering has succeeded through spray the leaves with Multi NPK (12-2-44), so that the production of mangoes has terejadi throughout the year. Flowering increases with n dose of 0.5 to 2% Multi NPK and maximum flowering occurred (81%). Multi NPK doses up to 3% decrease flowering, and only (51%) flowering branch, meanwhile, control plants not flowering at all. Fruit formed Multi NPK increased at doses up to 2.5%, and the highest number of fruits per panicle at a dose of 2:24%.
It is recommended for final induction application (December to April) should be used in concentrations of Multi NPK low (1.0-1.5%), while for the initial induction (July-November) higher doses (2.0-2.5%) should be used.
The use of growth retardants and morphactin paklobutrazol has been tested in Australia. Paklobutrazol splashed to the ground around the tree with a dose of 1:25 g per m canopy. While 0.5% morphactin mixed in toluene and diesel oil (1: 2) and emulsifier. Trees cut off with a circular groove width at a depth of 0.5 cm thick bark, with a height of about 0.5 m above ground level, cotton rope dyed in solution and tethered to the channel. This treatment can reduce canopy growth by 20-30%, and 30-50% of the root .a Both these treatments increase flowering 60-80% in the first year, but in the second year paklobutrazol better, improving more than 90%, and morphactin approximately 40-60% higher compared with controls. In the third, morphactin lost influence, while paklobutrazol still improve flowering. This treatment did not alter the pattern of mango flowering.

Longan flowering. 

Litchi (longan Dimocarpus), requires cold temperatures for flowering. In the lowlands / hot area, litchi cultivation is not growing. In 2000 found ttp; // varieties of Diamond River, which is suitable for low-lying, and has now grown in Indonesia.
In 1998 researchers found a way to KCLO3 longan flowering induction. The dose used was 0:25 g / cm injected stem, 2 g / l was sprayed onto the leaves, and 1-8 g KCLO3 / m2 distributed in the soil under the canopy (most efficient way). Sri Chompo more responsive varieties (1 g KCLO3 / m 2) compared Edaw varieties (4 g KCLO3 / m 2). Application is best KCLO3 when the leaves have an old (40-45 days), if the leaves are too young (less than 10 days), flowering does not occur. Trees have been able to be induced again 72 days after harvest. Length began to decrease, when the recovery period is less than three months. Experiments showed that the varieties in Hawaii Kohala, Sri Chompoo, biew Kiew, and E-Wai, capable of simultaneously flowering KCLO3 two months after treatment.
In Thailand, longan flowers appear 21-24 days after application KCLO3 on the ground, and blooms 25-30 days. Fruit formed after 17-21 days, the size of a pea beans next 17-20 days. Seeds turn black 80-85 days, and the fruit is ripe and ready for harvest 34-40 days. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 26, 2014 at 17:25
Tag : Fruiting plant technology at any time.
Bambang Sunarno
www.ConvenienceStores.com Updated at: 17:25

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