Wednesday 27 August 2014

What properties god leaves.


Leaves Gods.

Efficacy leaves god.
Who does not know this one plant. Moreover, zoom has its own uniqueness. The leaves are dark green with a purple line on the edge. Color of the upper leaves are older than the lower part, while the second surface of the leaves have fine hairs. Leaves elongated round shape, with notched edges, very short-stemmed leaves. Then, the stem is smooth haired, soft, and greenish purple. Only 10-25 cm high stems. The name of this plant is the leaves of the gods (Gynura segetum).
The flowers appear at the end of the rod. Before blooming, the flower-like buttons, and shaped like a collection of bright yellow stamens after blooming. Crown of yellow flowers with red-brown tip. Out of interest, usually straight loss, did not get into the fruit. If any fruit, oblong shape with a diameter of 4-5 mm. No less interesting is the root tuber shape with a length of about 5-8 cm. Sectional size between 3-5 cm. Tuber skin grayish, while the tuber flesh seemed clear to cloudy.
These plants include annual shrub and has several regional names. In Central Java, he called the continued life (Central Java). The Chinese call it qi cao san. Given the Chinese people to be familiar with the leaves of the gods, then the plant is also named beluntas China. Beluntas is a plant with leaves god relatives.

Method Development. 

Generally, the leaves god vegetatively propagated by stem cuttings, seedlings / shoots, and tubers. How do I do that?

Propagation by stem cuttings. 

Leaves Planting in pots god.

For propagation by stem cuttings, select plants that are not too old or too young to 10-12 cm high. Take a sharp knife or clean scissors to cut the stems. Cut the base of the cuttings with a slope of 45 degrees, and remove most of the leaves. Dip the base of the cuttings on the growth stimulating substances. In the meantime, provide a polybag which has filled the media in the form of soil and compost (2: 1). Cuttings planted in the center of the media. Splashing each day.

Propagation by seedlings / shoots. 

Quite apart tillers / shoots from the mother with a knife. Take a few moments, then planting stem cuttings as planting earlier.

Propagation by bulbs. 

Select bulbs that are still fresh, not attacked by the fungus, and had the prospect of tillers / shoots quite a lot. Next, prepare a seedbed medium soil and manure mixture (2: 1). Seeding bulbs until new shoots appear. Once sprouted, ready to be moved into the pot. Provide a planting medium is a mixture of fertile soil, sand, and humus or manure (1: 1: 1). Also provide fragments of red brick or tile fragments and fibers that have been washed, and insecticides (Furadan) and plant fertilizer NPK (15-20-20) as much as 15 grams per pot. Then, prepare the pot (plastic, clay, or drums). Typically used in black plastic pots. After that, mix all three growing media (soil, sand, and humus) with insecticides and fertilizers NPK. Toss well, then put in a pot. But, before being put into the pot, the pot has been given a base coat of red brick fragments and fibers. The following steps, make a small hole in the media, and then planting seedlings god leaves with 3-5 cm depth. Cover with a thin layer of soil.
Finish planting, flush to wet enough. Repeat every morning or afternoon to the leaves of plants thrive gods. For the circulation of air and water works well, the soil in the pot should be made loose. In hoe 3 times during the life of the plant leaf gods. Do not forget, give again NPK fertilizer at the age of 3 weeks. At the age of 5-8 weeks, the leaves of plants in pots will look god flourish.

Efficacy leaves god. 

Plant leaves contain various chemical elements god, such as saponins, flavonoids, essential oils, and anticoagulants. No wonder if he has a myriad of benefits. One is to overcome a stroke. Take 30 grams of tubers god leaves, wash thoroughly, then dry. Mash until smooth. Take 1 teaspoon of powdered leaf tubers god, and then mixed with 5 grains ginko seeds. Brewed in a glass of water, add a little honey. Please drink. Or, take 1 tablespoon of powdered tubers of gods, mixed with 10 grains of dried gingko seeds that have been ground, then put in a capsule. The capsule was ready to drink. Do it regularly for 1-2 months.
In addition to stroke, leaves and tubers of the plant leaves also have khasiar god as drugs, including medications for:


Take 30 grams of fresh leaves of deciduous plants gods, wash and then boiled. Crushed and squeezed by being given a little water. Drink every day. Or, provide 30 grams of fresh leaves of deciduous plants gods, red ginger 10 grams, and 30 grams of mustard roots sky. Put it in 600 cc of water, then boiled water until the remaining 300 cc. Filter with a clean cloth, drink.


Take 5 pieces of fresh leaves of deciduous plants gods, brewed with 110 cc of water. Drink once a day as much as 100 cc.

Bleeding and swollen breasts. 

Prepare 15 grams of leaves of deciduous plants gods, boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining half. Drink after a cold, half a cup three times a day.


Take 10 grams of fresh leaves of the gods bulbs, finely crushed, then add half a glass of water. Strain the pulp, and drink every afternoon.

Burns and slash. 

Mashed tubers god leaves, add a little brown sugar until a dough like ointment. Apply to the burn or cut wounds, and dressing.

Wild animal bites. 

Take a leaf tubers god taste, finely crushed. Dab on the body part bitten wild animals, and dressing. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. 
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 27, 2014 at 12:21
Tag : What properties god leaves.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:21

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