Thursday 17 January 2019


Welcome to the town of Kediri.

By introducing the name Bambang Sunarno authors also introduce Kediri city as a historic site and original culinary style East Java, Indonesia.
In the town of Kediri there is a historic site called the Cave Selomangleng.
Maskumambang lake.

Maria Lourdes cave Kediri.
Maria Lourdes cave and Dolo Waterfall that has been known to foreign tourists.
Puh Sarang Church Kediri.
The tourists always visit every holiday or there is an opportunity to visit with family Kediri, while Maria Lourdes cave is a site that describes in detail the crucifixion of Jesus and also used for followers of the Christian ritual.

Dolo Waterfall Kediri.
Dolo waterfall is in great demand by newcomers from abroad or locally to enjoy the beauty of high fountain and splash water on the gentle breeze and feel fresh.

When you visit at night there is a culinary providers lined all the way Doho until evening at 24.00, and for the guests do not have to worry, because every time you come always in a good and satisfactory inviting.
If you want to Kelud, please contact a travel-travel that is available in the town of Kediri and you will get a place to take you.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 22, 2014 at 21:20
Bambang Sunarno.
Tag : Welcome.

Bambang Sunarno signature.

Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:33

Thursday 12 February 2015

Snorkeling and Diving In Selayar Island.

Eastern Indonesia has a lot of amazing tourist destinations. Including tourist spot for travelers who like snorkeling and diving are not inferior to Bali and Lombok. Call it Selayar island located in South Sulawesi Province. The blue sea and the area that is almost all 'siege' of water makes a lot of tourism potential that can be explored and developed. Well this time, Pegipegi would love solid information about snorkeling and diving in one of the exotic islands in eastern Indonesia, Island Selayar.
Selayar island

Travelers, on arrival in the island Selayar, you can directly read if it looks barren island. That's the way the landscape, rocky, dry, and hard. Even so, you will not regret coming to this island for its natural scenery is very exotic. White sand, the waves are friendly, green palm trees that line the edge of the beach, and the ocean water that sparkles like crystal will immediately make you amazed.

For the local community this island into a pearl that must be preserved because it could invite local and foreign tourists for snorkeling and diving. The place is quite popular for snorkeling and diving in Selayar Island Resort. This place also has a Dive Center that offers diving courses certified. Spot offered very charming. If you are still an amateur in the world snorkeling, you can join the course. But if you're already proficient, you will be invited to the spot to challenge that will add to your experience exploring the underwater atmosphere Selayar Island.

On the island there are many diving spots Selayar are ready to indulge your thirst underwater panorama of the audience, which includes Rajuni Takabonerate, Tinanja, Tinabo Slope, Pinto, Latondu Wall; East Coast Selayar includes the Village Wall, Magic Wall 2, Bulo-buloang, Lobster Cave, Seafan Corner; and the West Coast Selayar include Tambolongan Reef, Manta Pont 2, Black Forest, Pasi Reef, Black Ray, Taka Beni, and Balagnipa.

Each point dive is unique and has a different character. For example, on the west coast tend ramps with various animals such as sea snails and sometimes sharks crossing point of this dive. While on the west coast of many seen turtles, manatee or dugong, and giant manta rays are often seen in July. While in Takabonerate very famous dive spot with beautiful coral reefs and coral fish with shapes and colors cute and attractive.

Spot Takabonerate itself is one of the largest atoll in the world that is very interesting. You do not need to have a diving certificate, because only with snorkel alone, you can enjoy the underwater scenery is not inferior to that in the Park, Wakatobi, and Raja Ampat.

Because diving spots in the island Selayar quite challenging and a bit extreme, it's good you've got a diving certificate so that you can adapt to the conditions in point dive underwater. But for beginners, you can enjoy the enchantment under the sea on the West Coast Selayar.

To issue Selayar Island accommodation, you do not worry. There were a few places that you can choose, such as Hotel Shafira, Selayar Beach Hotels, Pensions Tanadoang PKK, and Tinabo Guest House. The facilities available are also quite accommodating. So, for this problem you do not need to be confused, bewildered again. In the vicinity of this place also houses the local fishermen. No wonder that here are many visible boats used to catch fish.

If you are interested in snorkeling and diving, you note of course the best time to visit the island Selayar. If you do not want to be disappointed at having to deal with the rainy season, you can choose the time between the months of October to November and the month of March-April. Friendly weather in these months will make you more convenience while snorkeling on the island Selayar. Have fun.

The easiest way to get to the island by plane Selayar destination before traveling pass Makassar Gowa, Takalar, Jeneponto, and Bantaeng. Intrigued by the beauty of heaven in South Sulawesi?
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 12 February 2015 at 11:11
Tags : Snorkeling and Diving In Selayar Island.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:11

Lake Toba.

As one of the popular tourist destinations in Indonesia, Lake Toba always attract local and foreign traveler. No need to wonder, Lake Toba does have a very beautiful view of the expanse of the lake water is crystal clear and soothing green mountain views.
Lake Toba Indonesia Pride.

Has a length of 100 kilometers and 30 kilometers wide, Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia. More boast again, Lake Toba is also the largest volcanic lake in the world know!

Because it is located at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level, Lake Toba become tourist attractions suitable if you want to unwind and refreshing because the air is cool and fresh. You can also enjoy the natural beauty here in various ways such as mountain climbing, swimming, boating or other activities. Not to mention, you can visit Samosir Island is located in the middle of the lake and has no less beautiful panorama.

Prior to revel in Lake Toba, of course, you need to prepare the way to the most popular tourist attraction in North Sumatra. The journey to Lake Toba is quite long. After the Rush to Medan, you have to travel for approximately 4 hours to Parapat. However, the actual traveler can also take advantage Silangit Airport located in North Tapanuli, because the airport is only 30 minutes to Lake Toba and Samosir Island hour. In 2014 Silangit service will reportedly be used as an international airport in order to accommodate more tourists.

You will find many inns along the shores of the lake, ranging from guest houses, villas, bungalows and hotels, so you do not need to bother to think about the problem of accommodation. What about the food? Well, you will not be 'hungry' for Lake Toba because many restaurants serving local cuisine along the main road. North Sumatra has a distinctive cuisine is similar to Padang cuisine, rich flavor, air-coconut milk and the majority have a spicy flavor.
In addition to enjoying the spectacular view of Lake Toba and the surrounding area, you also can find more destinations. Probably not many know that Lake Toba it also has beaches, namely Lumban Binaga Beach.

Of course, a visit to Disneyland would not be complete without crossing to the island. Here, you can visit the two districts are popular among tourists is Tomok and Tuktuk.
Samosir Island.
There are three places that required you visit during in Tomok: Dolls Si Gale-Gale, Tomb Kings Sidabutar, and Batak Museum. Performances Dolls Si Gale-Gale usually displayed along with dance performances of the famous Tor Tor. Meanwhile, in the tomb of King Sidabutar you can see a large stone carved tomb-shaped face with long hair characteristic of the King.

If Tomok full of interesting sights, Tuktuk is a district that is filled venue. So, if you want to immediately unwind when arriving at the island of Samosir, just come to Tuktuk.

Not satisfied roam Lake Toba? You can explore Parapat and visited a number of interesting sights. Including the Hanging Rock is unique because its shape resembles a human. That said, this stone is believed to be the incarnation of a beautiful girl named Chrysanthemum. According to local legend, Chrysanthemum attempted suicide jumping into Lake Toba because they do not want an arranged marriage by her parents. But as he walked toward the cliff, he plunged into a hole large stone and decided to end his life in the stone. The stone eventually choke the Chrysanthemum body so now you can see a large stone which resembles the body of a girl who was as if hanging on the edge of the cliff. The charm of Lake Toba is difficult ignored travelers.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 12 February 2015 at 10:49
Tags : Lake Toba.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:49

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Tourist attractions in Jember.

Some of the tourist attractions in Jember that you should visit them are rides and entertainment, while the other is the charm of beach resorts and nature Jember.

Beach Puger Jember.

Tourist attractions Jember this one is the most visited. The people there, especially the segment of young children love this beach as a place of exciting entertainment.
Puger beach also is a place for those who have a hobby of fishing. One of the tourist attractions in East Java is a popular visit.

There is a fish auction place on the beach that sells fresh fish. Around Puger Coast region, there is a nature reserve which has a charm Puger Watangan Kucur water source.

Beach Bandealit Jember.

On this beach you can do some water sports activities, such as body surfing. For body surfing, you can rent the equipment has been provided by the manager of the beach.
There is also a selection of other activities, such as using a speedboat along the river, canoeing, or see the many birds that live in the region.

In addition to the beach, some interesting sites in this area of which is the Timor deer breeding and Green House. In the Green House, you will see a collection of orchid plants.

White Sand Beach Malikan (Papuma).

Papuma beach
Papuma beach has beautiful white sand with a grove of trees that surround the beach. Tourist attractions Jember this one is the most appropriate choice for those who want to escape from the fatigue and routine, a refreshing place interesting. To sign in, you only need to pay the admission price of Rp 12,500 per person.

Around the coast there is also a cave frequented by tourists, the cave is a cave cross beam that has a depth of about 30 meters. The tourists can only enter this cave when low tide.
According to local myth, the cave is believed to be the abode of the daughter of the ruler of the southern ocean, also believed to be a cleric imprisoned her Mataram. Papuma beach is one of the beaches in East Java of interest to visit.

Watu Ulo Jember.

Watu Ulo is located adjacent to the Papuma Beach. Both beaches are located approximately 40 miles from the center of the town of Jember. Name Watu Ulo taken because at this beach there is the composition of the rocks (Watu) that extends like a snake (ulo). The rocks are composed from the coast to the sea.

The beauty of the beach is not much different from Papuma beach because of its location which is close, but around this beach you can find a variety of shops selling handicrafts that material is taken from the sea.
In addition, there are always events Fair is held every year at this beach on 1-10 Shawwal or after the feast of Eid. At the exhibition, people come to the sea to carry out procession float an offering with offerings to the sea as an expression of their gratitude.

Tiara Waterpark Jember.

This is the tourist attractions in Jember that offers a family atmosphere that's fun to play with a variety of games facilities.
Tiara Waterpark is one of the water parks are the most visited in Jember. The location is only about 2 miles from the University of Jember and open until 10 pm.

For admission Tiara Waterpark, ranging from 5 pm Admission is free not to Non Waterboom. In addition to rides, at Tiara Cafe Area Waterpark is also available (free karaoke and free wifi).

Waterboom Niagara Jember.

Waterboom Niagara is a relatively new tourist Jember Ambulu region. Various water park facilities contained therein. There are two pools in the water park.
A large pool with a depth of 160 cm for adolescents and adults, another pool with a smaller size 6 cm deep for children.

Waterboom Niagara is suitable for those who want to take the children on holiday to spend time playing water or swim.

Botanical Garden Jember.

With the concept of nature tourism on the theme of education, Botanical Gardens in Jember is trying to persuade the public and tourists who come to love the environment.
The park is located about 11 km to the west of the square Jember. There, you can find herb garden with 300 species of medicinal plants is different.

There are also breeding animals in which there is a wide range of animal species, such as turkey, deer, bird of paradise, geese, pigeons, peacocks, and other animals. To sign in, you only need to pay admission to Botanical Gardens Rp 5 thousand per person.

Baths Kebon Agung Jember.

Baths Kebon Agung is in Kebon Agung, Kaliwates, Jember.
There are two swimming pools with natural water flowing from springs Watu Remuk. For adults, there is a pool with a size of 50 × 20 m international standard.

A number of supporting facilities, such as playgrounds, hotels, and restaurants can also be found in Jember bathing place on this one.

Peak Region Rembangan Jember.

Its location is just 15 km to the north of the town of Jember, located at an altitude of 650 m above sea level. Rembangan tourist area offers mountain tourism and agrotourism. In addition, the peak Rembangan have a natural aqueous bath maintained cleanliness.

You can see the town of Jember and surrounding of this place. Rembangan in Jember tourist charm allure has approximately the same as those in the tourist attractions Puncak, Bogor.
In the evenings, Jember city panorama with scintillation light will look very attractive. You can enjoy a very tasty banana cheese and special ginger tea in Rembangan.

Bathing Patemon Jember.

Location Patemon bath is about 30 miles west of downtown Jember, located at an altitude of about 500 m above sea level. Patemon bathing water source is derived from the slopes of mountains Argoporo springs.
On weekends and holidays, one of the tourist attractions in Jember is also visited by tourists.

Bathing Patemon region is a great base for those who want to do a refreshing and vacation with family.

Niagara Tancak Jember.

The location of this waterfall is located in a hilly area Tancak, Holy Village, District Nursing, about 16 kilometers southwest of the town of Jember. You will need about 30 minutes from the city center towards the village of Holy Jember, where the waterfall is located.

Travel to the location of the waterfall followed by a walk 3 kilometers from the village of Saint.
Niagara Tancak has a height of 82 m with a water discharge of 150 cubic meters per second. This waterfall has a safe ascent trajectory.

Site Duplang Jember.

Site Duplang have some collection of megalithic relics among grave stones, kenong, and menhirs.
This prehistoric heritage sites located in the village of Kamal, District Arjasa, Jember.

Sites that are thought to have existed since the 4th century AD This gives evidence that there Kamal village early human life that live in groups, settled, and farming. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 11 February 2015 at 14:24
Tags : Tourist attractions in Jember.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:24

Tourist attractions in Blitar.

Tourist attractions in Blitar is one of Indonesia's tourist charm full of historical value. In Blitar, you can find the tomb of Bung Karno, Mr. Proclaimer, and the house when Bung Karno grew and grew. Tomb and museum Bung Karno in Blitar will deliver a lot of things to you about the history of the struggle for Indonesian independence, as well as thinking about the Bung Karno principal ideals of independent Indonesia.

In Blitar, in addition to the figure of Bung Karno, you can still find a number of interesting sights other Blitar. Among these are Penataran Temple, a temple in the local legend believed to be the place of Gajah Mada when in the kingdom of Majapahit utter his famous oath, the Palapa Oath, an oath to unite the archipelago under the auspices of Majapahit.

Places of Interest in Blitar

Some of the tourist attractions in Blitar popular and worth your visit, among them the beauty of the beach in Blitar, no less than other regions in Indonesia, namely beach Tambakrejo with the pounding waves. Also, there Serang Beach, an attraction Blitar which often becomes the venue for the ceremony float offerings.

Tomb Bung Karno Blitar.
Tomb Bung Karno Blitar.
Bung Karno's grave is located in the village of Bendogerit, is about 3 km to the north of Blitar. Bung Karno's tomb stands in the vast land area. To be able to get into the tomb Bung Karno, you do not charge admission.

In the tomb complex, which became funeral last place Bung Karno on a building Joglo, Javanese building. That Bung Karno's grave, tomb flanked by his parents, father and mother left to the right.

If you visit tourist attractions Blitar this one, you will find the library in the tomb area, a place that holds a lot of books and writing Bung Karno. In this library, you can get to know the figure of Bung Karno in more depth. In addition to the library, there is also a museum of Bung Karno that stores the objects belonging to Bung Karno.

If you have satisfied traveled in this place, do not forget to buy souvenirs Blitar near the tomb complex. There is a row of stalls selling a variety of clothing and other souvenirs.

Gebang Palace Blitar.

Gebang Palace is about 2 km from the tomb complex of Bung Karno. You can use a rickshaw from the tomb complex towards this place. Gebang Palace is a childhood Bung Karno.

This is the house where the parents live Bung Karno, a house that is still visited by many people, especially in June.

June is the month of Bung Karno, therefore sights in Blitar this one has always held an annual event, the event Grebeg Pancasila.

Water Park Sumberudel Blitar.

Sumberudel Water Park is one of the tourist attractions in Blitar more crowded people. This is the largest water park in residency Kediri, East Java.

Many travelers from Tulungagung and even from Kediri come to play in the water tamar Blitar. There are two pools there, for children and adults.

Water Park Sumberudel have good facilities, of which there is a children's playground, Happy Stage featuring the distinctive art Blitar each year, adequate parking, as well as leasing and tool storage pools. Clean water is one of the charms of this water park in Blitar.

Beach Tambakrejo Blitar.

Tambakrejo beach is located in the southern city of Blitar, is about 30 km from the city center, precisely in the Village Tambakrejo district. Wonotirto.

One of the tourist attractions in Blitar beach has a relatively calm sea waves, with so many families come to enjoy sightseeing in this beach with swimming and playing.

On this beach, in the morning you will find fishermen who had just returned to sea to catch fish fresh, precisely at the fish auction place in this beach. If you prefer, you can buy it directly there.

Upgrading Temple Blitar.

Upgrading Temple is the largest temple complex in East Java. Located at the foot of Mount Kelud, you will find nature that is so cool weather in Upgrading Temple area. The temple, which is one of the tourist attractions in Blitar this famous old historical value.

Historically, this temple was established in the era of the three kingdoms of the archipelago, namely Kediri, Singasari, and Majapahit. Tourist attractions in Blitar this one is the place where the king appointed and also a place of worship ceremony at the Creator.

Upgrading temple in local legend believed to be the place where Gajah Mada utter his famous oath, the Palapa Oath, an oath to unite the archipelago under the auspices of Majapahit.

Beach Attack Blitar.

The beach is located in the Village Attack Attack, about 40 km from the city of Blitar. You will find their ceremony on the beach every month of Suro, the float ceremony offerings.

Attack has a panoramic beach beautiful beach with white sand lure. Tourist attractions in Blitar this one gives you a lot of interesting activities, such as swimming, sunbathing, fishing, boating, and so forth.

No doubt, charm Attack coast has attracted many tourists to enjoy his vacation when visiting Blitar.

Kebon Rojo Blitar.

Kebon Rojo, who has the official name of Kebonrejo Travel Park, located in the heart of Blitar. Its location just west of the mayor's official residence Blitar. This is the tourist attractions in Blitar which is always crowded with people, especially on weekends.

On certain days, the Park Kebonrejo also be used as a children's show, painting contest among children, children's entertainment, and more. Relax and play is the most attractive choice of activities in this place.

Eating snacks and meals that are sold in the area of Kebon Rojo is another option that is not less exciting. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 11 February 2015 at 13:37
Tags : Tourist attractions in Blitar
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:37

Have you Travel to Mount Bromo.

Why Mount Bromo admired many circles as one of the tourist destinations in East Java are favorites? Among lovers of mountain tourism, travel destination Bromo is one of the entry in the list of their visit. If you have arrived at the summit of Mount Bromo, you will see the crater diameter of 600 m, a charming sight.
tourists at Mount Bromo.
At peak Penanjakan, one of the tourist spots in Mount Bromo, you can watch the sunset (sunset). It is the most enchanting natural scenery that you will gain in the natural attractions of East Java. Therefore, Peak Penanjakan many tourists known as a place to see the sunset of the most alluring in Mount Bromo.

Also, a vast expanse of sand like a desert looks really awesome in Bromo. When the sun started to come back into the dusk, Mount Bromo sand ocean looks charming with orange glow enveloped him.

This beautiful scenery you can even see from Cemorolawang, an entrance to the tourist area of Mount Bromo.

In addition to the sunset at the top of Mount Bromo, you also can make a choice of activities such as horse riding. Yes, riding above the vast expanse of sand.

If you do not like riding, then rent a jeep is the most easy way to be able to visit some tourist spots of Mount Bromo. You can contact the Society Jeep Bromo for this purpose, can be found near the entrance of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.

You will be offered a choice of routes that can be taken. The more the route you want to take, then the cost is also getting bigger.

Bromo, there are communities of Tengger tribe inhabiting the tourist area. You can see the interesting spectacle here, which is currently underway Kasodo Festival. The essence of this event is asking a blessing from the Almighty that the harvest is plentiful and far from catastrophic illness.

Transportation from / to Mount Bromo
To be able to arrive at Mount Bromo tour, then you have to arrive at Juanda Airport in Surabaya, East Java. This is if you are traveling air. From the airport, you can reserve a vehicle that will take you to the tourist area of Bromo. You will menmpuh travel route to Mount Bromo, starting from Surabaya - Pasuruan - Wonokitri - Mount Bromo. This trip takes 2-3 hours.

Keep in mind, there are several routes journey to be able to at Mount Bromo.

1. These Pasuruan - Warung Dowo - Tosari - Wonokitri - Mount Bromo, trip distance 71 km
2. These Malang - Overlap - Klakah Hut - Jemplang - Mount Bromo, a distance of 53 km trip
3. These Malang - Purwodadi - Nongkojajar - Tosari - Wonokitri - Penanjakan, trip distance 83 km

If you start passing Probolinggo and use public transport, you can arrive in the tourist area of Mount Bromo is via Cemorolawang. Take the bus from Surabaya or other cities and down in Probolinggo City terminal, then proceed with the rise Elf towards Cemorolawang. Make sure you are not too late when they arrived at the terminal Probolinggo, because the departing passenger vehicle when the quota is met. Another story if you rent a vehicle alone for to Bromo.

There are three entrances at Mount Bromo, which is in the village of Cemorolawang (if you take the route via Probolinggo), Village Ngadas (if you take the route via Malang), and Village Burno (if you take the route through Lumajang). Make sure you do not miss the calculation time when arriving at Mount Bromo, because you should be able to see the panorama of the beautiful sunrise at the top of this mountain. If you want more flexibility, you can stay at one of the hotels in Prigen, Tretes or take homestay in Cemorolawang which is close to Mount Bromo.

Hotels and Lodging Area Tourism Mount Bromo
Tourist area of Mount Bromo has been facilitated with good accommodation. Available lodging, hotels, restaurants, and souvenir stalls there. There are a number of guesthouses and cheap hotels in around Bromo.

If you want the distance to the peak of Mount Bromo is not far away, then you might like to take a cheap lodging in Cemorolawang. Therefore, this village is located on the slopes of the crater. If your time is flexible, you can take a hotel or guesthouse in Tretes, Pasuruan, or Malang. These cities have mileage close to Bromo. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 11 February 2015 at 13:00
Tags : Have you Travel to Mount Bromo.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:00

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Attractions Cukang Taneuh.

Attractions: Green Canyon (Cukang Taneuh). There is a natural tourist attractions in the district of Pangandaran, West Java, which required that you visit Cukang Taneuh or more familiarly called the Green Canyon. From Pangandaran beach, Green Canyon can be reached within less than an hour.

The best time to visit this place is during the dry season because in the season when tourists can see the green river flow as the name implies. Hijaun color is often lost when the rainy season. Downpour often make the color change to brown river water.
Green Canyon.

During the dry season as well, visitors can walk along the river flow with a more comfortable, because the flow of the river is not so heavy. So when you want to swim and play in the central point of the Green Canyon can be satisfied.

The most fun thing to do in Green Canyon is a body rafting. Why? because the body rafting every visitor can walk along the Green Canyon farther and farther into the woods. The visitors will embark on a journey of Guha smell. It is located about 3 km above the central point of the Green Canyon.
enjoy the Green Canyon.

The visitors will be escorted to post Guha smell. Of the post, the visitors will be down the stairs as far as 400 meters to the stream where Guha smell was. Tired when going down the stairs will be lost once met with a water flow of the Green Canyon.
jump to enjoy the Green Canyon.

Therefore, once he was in the flow of water, visitors will be treated to the gurgling water in between the cliffs and caves that the local people called Guha smell. From Guha smell, visitors are invited to swim with the flow of the river water passes through various points of beauty. Besides the beauty Guha smell, no Stone Umbrella, Spring Princess, and of course Cukang Taneuh or Green Canyon. At points, visitors can stop to take pictures or play jump into the water.
At points, visitors can stop to take pictures or play jump into the water.

Body rafting trip ends at the pier two. From that point the visitors will be transported by boat to the dock one. All participants will receive a snack body rafting before to dock two. On arriving at the end of the pier one, participants will have lunch with a typical menu of Sunda.

Each participant will be charged Rp 200 thousand per person. For once the body rafting trip, there must be a minimum of 5 participants. At least 10 years of age is limited. The fee includes insurance, life vest, helmet, and two guides. Interested? Please visit the Green Canyon tourist spot in Pangandaran.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 10 February 2015 at 15:35
Tags : Attractions Cukang Taneuh.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:35


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