Ficus (/ fɪkʊs /) is a genus of plants that naturally grow in the area tropisdengan number of species living in the zone moderation. Comprises about 850 species, the types can be Ficusini tree, shrubs, creepers and epiphytes and hemi-epiphytes in familiaMoraceae. In general, the types known as the fig, the fig tree and fig wood (Mink. Kayu Aro; Sd. Ara ki; English: fig trees or figs). Fig trees (Common Fig; Ficus carica) is a species commonly found in the Southwest Asia region, the Middle East and around the Mediterranean (from Afghanistan to Portugal), and cultivated since ancient times because of its fruit. Fruit produced many edible species, though only has economic value locally. However, these fruits are generally an important food source for many wild animals. Fig trees also play an important role in the culture well as its religious value, as does the banyan tree (F. benjamina) and the bodhi tree (F. religiosa), as well as many practical uses that result.
Fig (Ficus) mostly in the form of green tropical plants throughout the year and inhabit a variety of ecological niches, but some deciduous species grows limited in areas outside the tropics and at high altitudes. The types of fig recognizable from the unique flowers and patterns of pollination (en: pollination syndrome) characteristic, which involves a kind of wasp from family Agaonidae to pollinate the flowers are closed.Identify the types of many species is rather difficult to do, but as a group, are relatively easy fig distinguishable from other types of vegetation.
Many of them have their roots or aerial roots hanging, forms a distinctive stature; and the unique shape of the fruit, which distinguishes this group from other plants. Figs are actually covered wreath known as flower pot (syconium); so called because its shape resembles a closed or nearly closed pot, in which the inner wall overcrowded fig flower petals are minuscule size. Later, if these flowers have evolved into pieces, with the same small size, only then can rightly be called as the fruit, although the fruit is also only apparent.
Vegetative traits fairly typical fig, of which, is the sap (latex) white to yellowish, some species with abundant amounts, which came out when the parts of a plant is wounded fig. Leaves at the end of the branch buds are protected by a pair of leaf leverage that quickly fall out, leaving a ring in the form of books branches. As well, the first lateral veins tend to be straight and angled toward the mother leaves the bone at the base of the leaf; form a three-branch pattern (tri-veined) are typical. A pair of white sap and leaves scars fulcrum ring which is also a characteristic of Moraceae tribe.
Ecology and usability.
Figs are an important food source for a number of fruit-eating animals (frugivores), including fruit bats (Megabat; fruit bats), Capuchin monkey, langur monkey (Colobinae) and others. Thus the fig trees is a key species (keystone species) in many tropical rain forest ecosystem. What's more is essential for type-species of birds, such as Takur (Megalaimidae), pigeon, hornbill, lorikeets (Cyclopsittacini) and were almost completely alter the lives of figs in season fruit. Meanwhile, many different types of Lepidoptera caterpillars that eat fig leaves, for example several species Euploea, Danaus Chrysippus, Papilio cresphontes (Giant Swallowtail butterfly), Badamia exclamationis, and Chrysodeixis eriosoma, Choreutidae and Copromorphidae. The larvae of a type of beetle horns Anoplophora chinensis, perforate and eat the timber, including timber fig tree; sometimes he becomes a pest in fig plantations. Similarly, the white moth pest Bemisia tabaci type often found to be a pest for ornamental figs are grown in pots; These pests then dispersed to various places along this ornamental plant shipment.Fig tree wood is generally soft and the sap is used for several things, including the treasury to make mummies in ancient Egypt. Several types of figs (especially F. cotinifolia, F. and F. insipida padifolia) traditionally used in Central America to make papel amate (Nahuatl: āmatl), a kind of local paper produced since hundreds of years ago. Mutuba (F. natalensis) is used to produce bark cloth in Uganda. Pou, who is also known as the bodhi tree (F. religiosa), the leaves form a decorative pattern inspired kbach Rachana in Cambodia. While the Indian banyan (F. benghalensis) and rambung (F. elastica), as well as some other types of figs, used in herbal medicine.
In Indonesia, some kinds of the genus Ficus are also used and entered into the Indonesian culture. For example, the banyan (Ficus benjamina) are always planted in a certain amount in the square according to Javanese tradition. Tabbath barito (Ficus deltoidea) brewed as tea by Gayo society to an aphrodisiac. So also by the Sundanese people who use this plant as a medicine. Uyah-uyahan (Ficus quercifolia) also boiled water boiled and drunk to treat bladder stones and by the people of Bali Aga, the plant is wrapped along with salt to treat skin diseases. He also used to treat bloating. To treat a cut sharp objects, lymph (Ficus fistulosa) smeared on the wound to dry 1-2 times a day. Meanwhile, in Sumba fig pounded and boiled to treat worm infestation.
Awar-awar (Ficus septica) is also used by Sumba for mothers who have just given birth and, on the other hand, by the people Tolaki used for abortion.
Cultural and religious significance.
BodhiF tree leaves. religiosaFigs, fresh
Nutritive value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 310 kJ (74 kcal)
Carbohydrates 19 g
- Sugar 16 g
- Dietary fiber 3 g
Fat 0.3 g
Proteins 0.8 g
The percentage refers to the United States recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient Data
Figs, dried
Nutritive value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
1,041 kJ (249 kcal)
Carbohydrates 64 g
- Sugar 48 g
- Dietary fiber 10 g
Fat 1 g
Proteins 3 g
The percentage refers to the United States recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient Data
Fig trees greatly influenced culture through several religious traditions. Among other very famous is "bodhi tree" (Pipal, Bodhi, Bo, or Po), which is a species of Ficus religiosa, or even a banyan tree of the species Ficus benghalensis india. The oldest living plant of known planting is clearly chronicle sebatangpohon bodhi Ficus religiosa, known as the Sri Maha Bodhi, grown at a temple in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka by King Tissa in 288 BC.
Hindu / Buddhist.
In East Asia, the fig tree is considered important in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. According to tradition, the Buddha is said to have bodhi (enlightenment) while meditating under a bodhi tree (F. religiosa). [9] The same species is referred to as Ashvattha, the "world tree" of Hinduism. Pre-sravana Plaksa called a fig tree whose roots are the source of the River Saraswati; This tree is often regarded as F. religiosa although it may be more appropriate as F. infectoria.Jewish / Christian.
The fig tree is a third tree mentioned in the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament in the Christian Bible, after the "tree of life" and "the tree of knowledge of good and evil". Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons to cover their bodies after they knew that they were naked.Figs also includes a list of food found in the Promised Land according to the Torah (Deuteronomy 8). Jesus Christ cursed a fig tree for not bearing fruit (Mark11:12 14).
Common fig tree is one of the two sacred trees of Islam, and one of the suras of the Quran is named Surah At-Tin (سوره تین) meaning "fig tree" because it begins with the oath of God 'sake (fruit) and Tin (fruit) olive "(Surah. 95: 1). Figs are also mentioned in the hadith as the fruit according to the Prophet Muhammad came down from heaven and can treat hemorrhoids and gout.Other cultures.
Sacred fig tree in ancient Cyprus where cultural emblem of fertility.The reproductive system of figs.
Many species are grown for fruit fig, Ficus carica although only widely cultivated for this purpose. Figs, important for food and traditional medicine, contain laxative ingredients, flavonoids, sugars, vitamins A and C, acids and enzymes. However, figs also can cause skin allergies, and the sap can cause serious eye irritation. Figs are classified as "quasi-fruit" or "fruit compound", in which the flowers and seeds grow together to form a single mass. Genus Dorstenia, which belong to the same familia Moraceae fig trees, flowers have structures similar to the fig into small pieces and arranged in a flower base (receptaculum), but the basis of this interest is less flat and open surface.Fig breeding can be done by means of seeds, cuttings, grafting, or bud grafting (grafting). However, like other plants, fig trees are grown from seeds produce plants that are not always the same as its parent; and therefore this technique is only done for the purpose of breeding and breeding. Depending on the species, each fig may contain up to several hundred and even several thousand seeds.
It has been mentioned above, that the 'fruit' fig (syconium) is actually a compound interest, where the base of the flower pot with a kind of roll forming (hence, also known as flowers or fruit pot) which is almost totally enclosed. The flowers are very small size located in the inside, over-crowded in the pot wall. Thus these flowers no apparent from the outside, except when the flower pot was split. This stoneware flowers are mostly hermaphrodite, containing both male flowers, female, enlarged and sterile flowers (gal). At the end of the flower pot there is a small hole, called ostiole, which is partially obscured by a kind of barriers or petals.
Unique fig pollination system involving specialized wasps are small anyway, which is known as fig wasps, Agaonidae tribal members. Female fig wasps into the flower pot through the ostiole slit before, in order to find the flowers sterile as the place lay eggs. In the meantime, the female fig flowers will be pollinated by pollen attached to the body of the fig wasp, flower pot carried away from the place of origin fig wasps. Without the fig wasps that enter this space in a pot, the female flowers that there can not be a fruit. So far the co-evolutionary relationship between the two types of living creatures, so the flowers can only be pollinated by the fig fig wasps, and fig wasps can only live and breed in the pot fig fruit. Note also that each species of fig symbiosis with the types of typical fig wasps; different from species to species.
All the native fig trees in the Americas are hermaphrodites, as well as the Indian banyan (F. benghalensis), banyan (F. benjamina), rambung (F. elastica), Bodhi (F. religiosa), and others. Meanwhile, fig (Ficus carica), canal blocking barito (F. deltoidea), as well as several other types, including two married (dioesis); ie there are trees that produce hermaphrodite flower pot, and some trees that merely produces the female flower pot (containing only the female flowers, which later develop into fruit). Fig wasps grow and develop in the hermaphrodite flower pot; but because the two kinds of flowers pot was indistinguishable in appearance from the outside, fig wasps still visit and pollinate them. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 7, 2014 at 21:55
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