All that is created and given by God Almighty, having its own privileges and advantages that sometimes we as humans do not know the lesson. Many of us are not aware of the features contained in the fruit Tin and importance to health, perhaps because fruit Tin is not from our country, but of the Middle Eastern countries. Although fruit Tin came from Mecca, Sham, Palestine and Egypt, but also introduced in Italy approximately 2000 years ago which developed rapidly through southern Europe, including Greece.
Tin fruit (Ficus carica), who is named in the Quran alongside olives, touted by the latest medical research as a useful fruit to prevent cancer. Fruit the size of a longan fruit that besides rich in calcium and potassium also contain enzyaldehyde useful against cancer cells. Tin in fruit that tastes sweet it also contains a substance that is essential for the human body because it can reduce bad cholesterol, strengthens the heart and normalize breathing for patients with shortness of breath. The fruit is often found in the Arab countries it is also easily digested by the digestive tract, is useful for treating constipation, beneficial to the liver and spleen. Fruit that tastes sweet like a palm is also more like a regular food as filling as a palm fruit that Arabs rarely include it in the list of fruits.
Prophet Muhammad also once said, "If I say, the real fruit that fell from heaven then I say, this is the fruit (Fig), the real fruit of heaven no doubt." (Hadith narrated by Abu Darba; Suyuti).
Tin Fruits (Ficus carica L.) including families Moraceae, order and class Magnoliopsida Rosales. Classification of fig fruit:Kingdom Plantae
Division Magnoliophyta
Class Magnoliopsida
Subclass Hamamelidae
Nation Urticales
Moraceae tribe
Highways Ficus
Ficus carica
In general, tin plant can grow up to 9 m with soft stems are gray, but the species of Ficus carica small woodlands. The leaves are large and notched in, 3 or 5 lobes. Tin fruit is actually a flower that forms the basis of the sphere. This type is typical for all members of the tribe-araan fig (Moraceae).
Tin plant can grow in Southeast Asia, tolerant to drought and cold temperatures (-90C), but still require nutrients to maintain optimum fruit quality. Tin plants can improve soil fertility. In its growth require partial or full lighting, average humidity up to dry.
Tin-sized pieces 3-5 cm long, green. Some cultivars change color to purple when ripe. Issued Tin tree sap can irritate the skin. Fruit Tin has a flavor and aroma that is somewhat similar to guava. The aroma is fragrant, soft texture, it feels rough and sweet, a little watery and seedy. In the oral cavity will arise unpleasant sensation because small seeds are bitten.
According to biologists from the fig tree Ficus there are 700 kinds scattered throughout the corners of the world, most widely known, such as the type used to decorate homes, apartments and corridors bilding like (Ficus benjamina). And kind to decorate parks like (Ficus macrophylla). As well as other types to decorate the roads and pavements as (Ficus microcarpa) are numerous in North Africa and the Middle East.
The type of the Tin investigated here are (Ficus carica), which is known in the community darijah Morocco and North Africa with "karmouss", grew a lot in the Mediterranean area where the ancestral home of the fig tree.
About Biological Tin:
Some Features Tin:
Tin fruit like a parcel in which there are hundreds of flowers spread over flower stand, divided to two types:First.
Male flowers are close to the mouth of the package, the general role in the fertilization process.Second.
Female flowers scattered on the muzzle that play a role in providing food and development of animals, or produce fruit after fertilization.Trees Tin Male and Female.
From observing the ripe fruit that grows on the fig tree, the tree can be classified to two types: male tree (Caprifiguier) is a reservoir of bees pembuah, and the fruit of this tree is used for lambing and breeding ground for the bees, and fruit can not be eaten by humans. The female tree (Figuier Domestique) receives the bees that carry the seed fertilization in the female flowers of tin and tin produce ripe fruit and good at eating.Tin and special bee fertilizes:
Bees (Blastophaga psenes) of the family (Agonidae) plays a very important role in the fertilization process of tin (Ficus carica), because this type of tin can not be fertilized unless through special bee. And as bees this kind can not give birth and breed types except in the fig fruit.Tin content of fruits and benefits.
Nutrients contained various nutrients ranging from vitamins A, C, calcium, magnesium to potassium. . Institute in Tokyo showed benzaldehyde proved effective in inhibiting the tumor and fiber (dietary fiber) is very high. Every 100 grams of dried fruit Tin contained 12.2 grams of fiber, while apples and oranges containing 2.0 grams 1.9 grams .. and antioxidant compounds that can bind to cancer-causing carcinogens. omega-3 and omega-6. prevention of coronary heart disease.Prof. J. A Vinson from Scranton University of the United States has made a study and prove that, Tin fruit contains a high efficacy when compared to other fruits. Fruit Tin contains no salt, fat and cholesterol, but contain potassium, fiber and iron higher. The results of the study in 100 grams of fruit Tin, containing 20% than the daily requirement of fiber substances our bodies. Of these, over 28% is soluble fiber type. Research shows that soluble fiber can help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol in the blood by binding in the gastrointestinal tract, when the insoluble fiber, can protect and prevent colon cancer (koion). Foods rich in fiber can reduce weight, therefore also very suitable Fruit Tin overcome weight problems.
Now, Fruit Tin which manispun proven antidiabetic mellitus. In Tin leaves are similar to the active compounds Insulin. Dr. Oliver Alabaster, namely Steering Institute for Disease Prevention, George Washington University Medical Center stated that if someone takes Fruit Tin, actually has taken food that ensures the long-term health. So do not astonished if Fruit Tin called by the food experts at this time as food nutraceuticals (functional food), because Fruit Tin contains not just nutritious substances, even more than that, and is useful as a body guard and was able to prevent a disease- certain diseases.
In addition, the presence of fiber, potassium and magnesium in the Fruit Tin can reduce wind attack and is able to control high blood pressure. One good news for people with high blood pressure, because by eating Fruit Tin used as prevention of the disease. For diabetes, the fiber contained in fruits Tin can slow down the absorption of glucose in the small intestine. Combined substances contained in fruit Tin is high fiber and carbohydrates in a compact form, namely glucose and fructose are able to control a person's blood sugar levels.
In addition, the Advisory Office Fruit Tin in California (California Fig Advisory Board) has said Fruit Tin as "Nature's most nearly perfect fruit", the fruit that almost reached the stage of perfection as a whole.
One more miracle contained in the Fruit Tin is believed to have cancer-fighting ingredients. In the Fruit Tin contains "polyphenols" high functioning as an antioxidant which is important for our body, because it can function as a free radical in the body that cause cancer. In addition, Tin Fruit also contains other elements that become anti-cancer ingredients, namely "benzaldehyde" and "coumarins". Benzaldehyde has been shown to act as an anti-tumor and "coumarins" is to treat the skin and prostate cancer.
Tin fruit can be consumed every person, including children and the foods that are best for all ages, because Fruit Tin contains high fiber and sweet taste. So it is very appropriate if we consume this fruit, as an alternative to our food to improve the health of our day-to-day in this modern world.
Based on research of California Nutritional Information Fig, The Fig fruit contains fiber (dietary fiber) are very high. Every 100 grams of dried fruit contained 12.2 g The Fig fiber while containing only apples and oranges 2.0g 1.9g. Health Experts The Fig strongly recommends to consume on a regular basis. In addition to helping clean up toxins in the body, fiber contained also able to prevent colon cancer and other degenerative diseases.
RESEARCH at Rutgers University in New Jersey another. Rutgers research proves that The Fig fruits contain antioxidants that can bind to cancer-causing carcinogenic compounds. The Fig also contains unsaturated fatty acids necessary for good health, including omega-3 and omega-6. These fatty proved instrumental in the prevention of coronary heart disease. Other advantages, The Fig fruit low-fat, low-sodium, low in calories and cholesterol-free so it is suitable consumed by people with diabetes mellitus.
The specialty of this fruit does not stop here. A variety of helpful vitamins and minerals contained therein. The Fig Every 100g fruit contains vitamin A as much as 9.76 IU, vitamin C, 0.68 mg, calcium, iron and 133.0 mg, 3.07mg. Vitamins and minerals are very necessary for the body to maintain and preserve the health of body organs
Fruit Tin in the Qur'an.
Allah mentions several types of fruit and herbs in the Qur'an, mentions fig fruit once in surah At-Tin, which reads:
والثين والزيتون
For the sake of fig fruit, olives sake.
In this subsection; "By the fig fruit, olives sake." (Verse 1). There are various interpretations. According to Mujahid and Hasan, both fruits were taken so sworn by God to be noticed. Fruit TIN taken oath because he was known to eat fruit, fruit OLIVE because he can be beaten and taken oil. Qatada said: Tin is the name of a hill in Damascus and Olives is also the name of a hill in Baitul-Maqdis. "Second sign is important to note that country. And according to a history as well, which is received from Ibn Abbas, "Tin is the first mosque established by Noah at the top of the mountain of al-Judi, and Baitul-Maqdis Olives are." Many commentators tend to claim that the interests of both the fruit itself that cause both taken so oath. Fruit Tin is a soft fruit soft, Kemat, almost adjacent to the fruit feels serikaya growing in our country and many grown on the island of Sumbawa. Famous for olive oil. But again there is another interpretation states that the fruit Tin and Olives lot growing in Palestine. Near Jerusalem there was a hill named Mount of Olives, because there is a lot of growing olive trees. According to the belief of the hill that the Prophet Jesus Christ ascension into heaven.
This surah is surah only take the title names of plants, in contrast to animal themed chapters so many titles suras of the Qur'an such as: (Cow, ants, bees, spiders and elephants).
According to biologists from the fig tree Ficus there are 700 kinds scattered throughout the corners of the world, most widely known, such as the type used to decorate homes, apartments and corridors bilding like (Ficus benjamina). And kind to decorate parks like (Ficus macrophylla). As well as other types to decorate the roads and pavements as (Ficus microcarpa) are numerous in North Africa and the Middle East.
The type of tin that will be examined here are the writer (Ficus carica), which is known in the community darijah Morocco and North Africa with "karmouss", grew a lot in the Mediterranean which is the origin of the fig tree.
Fig fruit is mentioned in sura on behalf of itself and also in the form of the oath, the authors felt the need to give special attention in this review. Commentators themselves in response to this case different opinions interpreting fruit swear, some argue that the question itself is a fig fruit that can be eaten by humans. There is also a tin interpret as specific places such as: mountain, or town mosque.
The difference between a fruit tin and tin as a place, invite many questions and react to the case must go back to the Basic View on the difference between interpretation and ta'wil. As it is known that sentence commentary only mentioned once in sura Al-Furqan, while ta'wil is mentioned in three chapters (Al-A'raf, Al-Kahf and Jonah).
If we refer to the history of the method, it is interpreted as a tin of fruit that can be eaten and is widely known since time immemorial. But if interpreted with a place, then go ta'wil related categories dirayah, where everyone can mena'wilkan according to the level of their knowledge and understanding.
Described in the commentary of Ibn Kathir on Surah At-Tin, it was clear a proportion of the commentators comment on the three existing oath (oath of Tin and olives, about jabal Sinai oath, oath of safe city) and relate to one another. According to their understanding of God behwa Swear-by three places, each place should diutusi his law-bearing prophet and apostles: first place (Tin and Olives), namely "Bait Al Maqdis", where he sent the prophet Isa. Second place (Jabal Sinai), which is a mountain where the prophet Moses. direct dialogue with God, which he sent the prophet Moses. And the third place is (a safe city), the city of Mecca where the prophet Muhammad was sent.
While the interpretation Siyyid Qutub lot includes the opinions of previous commentators, some of which say that the oath is specified in paragraph fig tree whose leaves are used Prophet Adam and his wife Eve were stripped of their clothes to cover herself after her place in Heaven before descending to this world. And the other opinion says that the growth of fig trees in a mountain where Noah's Ark as. stranded after the flooding of the world.
Ibn Alqayyim in his book "Ath-Thib Annabawi" commenting on the above hadith history: Testing the efficacy of treatment as a prophet mentioned in this hadith, can be released several theories. In ancient times fig fruit has been widely used for medical purposes, medical figures of the early period as well as Ibn Sina had a lot figure fig fruit has many medical benefits. And traditional medicine in the last decade also recognize the efficacy of tin, which is considered medically to cure various diseases such as treating wounds, ulcers, plu bird, ulcers, menstrual circulation disorders and burns.
Given because of the high levels of sugar content, fruit tin - dry - good consumed by children, the diet and exercise-athletes, but should be avoided by people with high sugar and cholesterol. Fig fruit is also rich in vitamins A and B as well as certain levels of vitamin C and contain basic salts such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and plants growing body build blood pressure.
From the above information confirms that the fig is a fruit that is very noble, very own a lot of medical uses. Still according to Ibn Alqayyim Aljouzi that: Given the tin does not exist in mainland Hijaz and Medina, as well as their mention in the Sunnah step, because the land is not in harmony with the tin land dates. However, God in the Qur'an Swearing for the sake of tin because of the benefits and usefulness are very much of it. Then Ibn Alqayyim concluded that the oath is specified in paragraph fig fruit that has been widely known that.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 7, 2014 at 19:40
Tag : Fruit Tin.
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