Tuesday 26 August 2014

Love birds.

Birds love is one of the nine bird species of the genus Agapornis (from the Greek "agape" which means "love" and "ornis" which shall mean "bird"). They are small birds, between 13 to 17 cm with a weight of 40 to 60 grams, and social nature. Eight of these species are from Africa, while species of "love birds gray head" comes from Madagascar. Their name is derived from the behavior commonly observed that a pair of love birds will sit close together and care for each other. The nature of love birds are monogamous pairs in the wild.

Raising Birds Lovebird way. 

Love Bird.

The way to distinguish gender. 

It is difficult to distinguish male and female.

Gender lovebird. 

Physically lovebird sexes are difficult to distinguish. Do not be fooled by the lovebird mating, because mating birds is not necessarily the male and female birds. It may be that the lovebird male or female all all. If the character is approximately two weeks after the lovebird mating does not also mean the bird nesting and vice versa if the males all approximately 2 weeks after the mating of birds lay eggs more than 6 eggs most likely the female lovebird all. While the way most people in Indonesia to distinguish gender lovebird is by touching the bone, wherein if the distance between the two bone chopsticks feels loose and limber the lovebird is usually the female sex. And if the distance between the narrower bone chopsticks and feels hard sex is usually the male lovebird. But the way is not 100% true. For the most accurate way is often done by people west by way of a blood test to revoke the feather lovebird lovebird feathers at the base where it attaches there is a little blood then taken to a special laboratory for researching gender lovebird. In this way, a very accurate way to determine the sex of lovebird.

Age production. 

Lovebird can lay eggs at the age of 8 months. But age is not good for productivity lovebird. At the age of 8 months lovebird has not really matured to production, so often there is a failure in hatching, although the probability is very small success and the quality of the resulting lovebird usually less good. For a good age is the age of 1 year, at the age lovebird really ready for production.


In lovebird breed need a place to lay their eggs. The place should we provide well so lovebird can calmly and incubate lovebird eggs can be hatched to spawn lovebird good.The box-shaped with varying sizes. Ideal for measuring 20cmx20cmx25cm box. The placement of the boxes should be protected from sun and rain. In addition to the nesting box do not forget also provided nest material, can be dry grass, wood shavings etc. The material is placed in the bottom of the cage, if it is almost time laying lovebird will bring material into the nest box to lay eggs laid as a base to lay eggs and are useful to warm the eggs.

Long incubation. 

In the incubation period of birds require a quiet environment free from any interference. This condition should really be on guard in order to get maximum results. Some people assume that if you're incubate lovebird should not be seen / held the egg. It is very sensible to keep the peace of being incubate lovebird. But the drawback of how we can tell if the eggs hatch or not. To overcome this we get used to seeing the contents of the box before the bird laying eggs. So with these habits when lovebird is laying eggs and incubating the eggs that we see are not bothered because it used to be seen.
After incubation for 25 days the eggs have not hatched eggs are likely to hatch and can not be taken back let lovebird lay eggs. The eggs that we take our breaks to determine the condition of the eggs. If the condition of the egg is still intact, there is still white and the yolk means the unfertilized egg, but if the egg is rotten to fail in its incubation.

Food Lovebird. 

Lovebird so that we can maintain maximum production, then we must provide quality and varied food. Likewise, we would get bored if every day we only eat rice cat. Lovebird preferred food such as: millet, finger millet, canary seed, mustard seed, corn, kale, mustard greens, sprouts, etc. For lovebird who was feeding her child can be added to the development of their children in order to better BR-1.

Lovebird how to feed children. 

To increase the productivity of the parent lovebird can be done by taking the lovebird children around the age of 10-14 days. In addition, children will become more tame lovebird that also can increase the selling price lovebird. Lovebird child be placed on a pedestal in the given box cloth towel and given the 5 watts to maintain warmth.
Feed for lovebird can use instant baby food are sold in stores around you. Baby porridge mixed with warm water, not too hot and not to cold, (lukewarm).
At first the mixture is given in a form that is not too thick, add more lovebird child's age, level of viscosity increasing food anyway.

Tool that can be used needles. 

The feeding is done at least once every 4 hours, on a regular basis. You can use your own schedule, for example feeding schedule: 06:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, 23:00.
After lovebird children around the age of four weeks, you can give them food in the eating place to train lovebird eating in children. The food can be given small pieces of fruit or vegetables, boiled eggs, warm water mixed pellets.
At approximately 6 weeks of age, the child will be more interested lovebird fly than eat what you have to offer. They will eat and drink yourself more. At that age the child lovebird ready for weaning.
Thank you for reading this article, Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 26, 2014 at 14:41
Tag : Love birds.
Bambang Sunarno
www.ConvenienceStores.com Updated at: 14:41

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