Monday 25 August 2014

Wild horse milk.

There are various benefits bestowed by God to man in nature, ranging from the properties of plants, animals and even from non-living beings, though. One of the many animals that have merit are horses. With the power of energy, can be used as a tool to drive horses to humans. Another benefit of the horse is the milk contains a variety of benefits. Wild horses left to live wild wild-free. Horses are there in Sumbawa has been known since the 90's and also had a lot of people believed about the benefits of milk. Many testimonies that wild horse milk can be a means of healing various diseases.

Fame wild horse milk and its benefits have been known by many people.
This is because a lot of the media from reporting on the efficacy of this Sumbawa wild horse milk. You must have heard or read about this wild horse milk. Perhaps, some of you do not know much, there are many content-nutrients contained in milk of wild horses that are beneficial to us. Story never happened, at that time POM body for ever forbid the circulation of wild Sumbawa horse milk, because it is considered advertising of Sumbawa horse milk wild exaggeration, they reasoned that the wild horse milk have not been tested and there are also non-believers about the efficacy and benefits. You do not have to worry, thanks to research conducted by the researchers, then all indisputable.

Research on wild Sumbawa horse milk. 

Ever done the research, the experts wanted to know the start of the nutrients in it, the benefits and advantages of wild Sumbawa horse milk, until the end of the study the research results obtained by the knowledge that the wild horse milk, although not given any form of preservatives will not be damaged and clotting. Wild horse milk is also durable in room temperature and can reach 7 months. In the wild horse milk also contained a substance which is very helpful, the microbes do not grow, in every 200 grams of wild horse milk has nutritional content 0:16% protein, while the content contained in cow's milk by up to 6.4%. Wild horse milk have higher savory flavor, this is caused because the sugar content can reach 6.8% when compared with cow's milk, which reached 4.6 percent, not only that every 200 grams of wild horse milk contained 88 calories, it lower when compared with cow's milk is 128 calories. It makes people who consume more milk a wild horse can maintain his slimness, wild horse milk also has other advantages, namely a lower protein compared to cow's milk. It makes wild horse milk consumed is also suitable baby.

Benefits and nutritional value of wild Sumbawa horse milk. 

In fact, not only in Indonesia, which exploit the properties of wild horse milk as a means of healing disease, in Russia in the hospital healing therapy using WILD HORSE MILK. Regions in Russia who use this wild horse milk is Volinsk, Moscow, Samara and Leningrad. In Russian wild horse milk is used for treatment of tuberculosis, anemia, avitaminosis, liver and gastrointestinal tract. From various studies conducted by nutrition experts, stated that the wild horse milk is suitable also for drunk toddler, this is due to the composition of the present in wild horse milk is closest to breast milk. This wild horse milk contains nutrients that are easily absorbed by the human body, such as lactose, casein, fat, minerals, and protein. Indeed, if we see of it, wild horse milk does not have much difference when compared with other milk. But never give FAO report, that the wild horse milk is what has almost the same content of nutri with breast milk. It can be said though infants fed cow's milk is very fresh even if it is also not good for the baby, this is because there is content in cow's milk casein is not low will form a clot, this is what causes a baby is hard to digest. Hall observers drug and food testing for wild horse milk. And the results showed that wild horse milk have acidic properties with Ph 4-4. In the wild horse milk is also not found at all preservatives, pathogenic bacteria, and harmful materials to human body, also has a wild horse milk fat content is low at 0.97%.

Effects samoping wild Sumbawa horse milk. 

Usually contained in the drug, in addition there is also a useful effect, eg drug "X" can relieve headaches, but there are side effects, namely drowsiness. Similarly, if you eat wild Sumbawa horse milk, there may be some side effects that you will experience, you do not need to worry. Not harmful effects, it is more because some people are not used to drinking milk, or have never felt the wild horse milk. Remember the wild Sumbawa horse milk does not contain any form of chemicals. The reaction occurs 2-4 hours after drinking. People who suffer from lung disease, heart will feel the heat and chest tightness. You do not need to worry, because this is normal and it will not last long, this happens because the wild horse milk did his part to combat a disease that is not a good thing in the human body. Your body is like a battlefield, a wild horse milk are soldiers. This wild fermented horse milk, and it is known that the properties obtained between fresh and fermented fermented more okay. Fermentation is done there is no mixing of harmful drugs or chemicals, fermentation occurs naturally, so it is much healthier for your body. From a variety of experiences, many people who claim that drinking milk after a wild horse as directed, can be cured of their disease, as described by the existing customers in several media.
Some other scientific evidence contained in the wild Sumbawa horse milk.

There are many vitamins. 

Nutrients contained in cow's milk is very good for the human body but no nutritional value in milk Sumbawa more wild horses, namely minerals, magnesium, potassium and Vitamins A, B2, B6, B12, C, E and iron.

Can treat colitis. 

In Germany already researched, precisely at the University of Jena, that the wild horse milk can cure colitis. The colitis usually signs of diarrhea accompanied by blood discharge. The cause of inflammatory bowel there are bad bacteria in the gut that there's too much. The nature of the toxins released by these bacteria irritate the bowel which is then absorbed by the body into the blood.
This is ultimately a person could suffer from diarrhea, nausea, bloating, constipation, and increased gastric acid. The function of this wild horse milk is able to make the development of good bacteria, more quickly, so they can fight the bad bacteria so difficult to develop and remove toxins from the blood.

Can replace cow's milk. 

Dr.Rene Madeleyn of Filder hospital, Stuttgart, explains, in the wild horse milk, contained antibodies that can neutralize viruses and bacteria. And the content of the milk of animals that is similar to mother's milk or breast milk is the milk of wild horses. He often gives horse milk to premature infants, it is intended that these babies have immunity and increased strength.
Not all of the baby's body can receive cow's milk into his body. Sebagain infants who have allergies if there is drinking cow's milk, it is the right choice for mothers, to give wild horse milk as an alternative to breast milk.

Can cure eczema. 

Eczema is a skin disease in some people have experienced, the symptoms are reddening and itching, dry skin and no blisters. Regarding the cause of eczema is not known for certain, but is expected due to the lack of resistance to diseases such as eczema because of a weak immune.

More durable (durable). 

Another advantage of the wild horse milk is a natural anti-bacterial properties. This is what makes milk a wild horse can be more durable.

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Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 25, 2014 at 13:54
Tag :  Wild horse milk.
Wild horses.

Wild horse milk.

Flushed wild horses.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:54

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