Monday 25 August 2014

Bima horse.


Bima Horse.

Since the XII century AD, the origin of the Bima horse already famous in the archipelago. At that time, the traders coming from various parts of the Bima buy horses, then sold in their countries to be used as mounts of kings, nobles, and warlords.
Kings and warlords Kediri Kingdom, Singosari, and Majapahit, in a book written by master Prapanca Negarakertagama, also always choose the Bima horse cavalry to reinforce the fleet.
The Governor-General of Dutch East Indies Batavia was often asked to send the Bima horse, which was considered as the best type of horse in the Dutch East Indies Islands. Horse Bima assessed as a means of transportation because of the strong load-carrying resilient crops, weather resistant heat, as well as benign.
"Just like a motorcycle now, if the husband and wife had traveled far, rode horseback riding (jara kapa nae-saddled horse big)," recalls Mary.
In the Memorandum of Explanation Bima Political Agreement between the Kingdom and the Governor of Sulawesi, DP Van Braam Morris, dated December 20, 1886, noted that the horse Bima been sent to Sulawesi and Java. The number reached 1,000 to 1,500 heads per year. At that time, the price of the horse says 40-50 pounds, while the local price at the time the Bima 15-25 pounds per cow.
Noted also never was a prince from Madura to order some horses to the Sultan Abdul Kadim, the Sultan of Bima Top-8 (18th century). When it is, the Sultanate of Bima has ranch, the domestication of the horse in the village of Wera, Lambu, Kangga, Paile, Sangeang Army, Sangeang Fire, and Poja.
Bima way people familiar with the horse, until now too many stories about horses that developed in the community. Horse Bima even been used as a symbol of unyielding, want to live is concerned, and strive to achieve the goal. Horse Bima also benign, do not want brutalized, and would be subject if treated gently.

Other now. 

Now, horse bima in Bima, Sumbawa Island, West Nusa Tenggara, increasingly endangered. The existence of the Bima horse has been driven by other types of horses, such as Sandelwood of the island of Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, which many maintained and developed as a racehorse.
2009 years ago, at least 20 birds entered into the Milky Sumba horses every ten days, while the Milky local horse conservation efforts have not been visible.
Horse Bima short body shape. Milky horse height-age 1 year 3-year average of 110 cm-113 cm, 4-year-old horse 8 years as high as 114 cm-117 cm, horse adults (aged 10 years and above) is 119 cm-120 cm. However, the Milky horses have good endurance and fast pace.
The entry of the horse Sandelwood to Bima Bima unstoppable because neighboring island of Sumba as the place of origin of the horse Sandelwood. In addition to easy transportation, the interest of the officials and the rich at the Bima looking Sandelwood very high horse to horse races are contested on the traditions of the local community.
Do not let the horse Milky mutilated pony that is now hard to find in Sumbawa (including Bima, Dompu, Sumbawa and West Sumbawa.
Indeed Bima horse breeding is very likely developed considering technology or human resources available in West Nusa Tenggara, only the government has no priorities ?.
Large population interbreeding between horses Bima (female) and Sandelwood (male) in three years this view, interbreeding would likely preserve germplasm local horse, horse breed also produces strong, powerful, has a running speed (obtained from parent) , as well as adequate physical (obtained from the male) as a racehorse.
Unfortunately, the provincial government does not yet have complete data about the Bima horse or horses from outside the entrance. Head of Animal Health Animal Husbandry Department of West Nusa Tenggara when asked about it only shows the data as a whole horse population in West Nusa Tenggara.
NTB horse population in 2009 amounted to 77 847 birds. Of these, 16 873 were in the tail of the island of Lombok, the remaining 60 964 tail on Sumbawa Island. Horse population in this NTB, still occupy 20 percent of the national horse population totaling 398,000 head.
Problem interbreed with sandalwood Bima horse is not an obstacle at all. With good breeding system, the Bima horse is a source of germplasm, as tough as working animals, hot weather resistant, and relatively benign. Excellence horse Bima, females especially, if at interbreed with stud Sandelwood (Sumba, NTT, height 127 cm) and a thoroughbred (from the UK, 176 cm height 178 cm), which is greater posture and muscular, can produce a racehorse reliably.
"The technology we've got, our human resources are also available, just a matter of time to make it happen. NTB provincial government is now, according to the scale of priorities, working on multiplication of Bali cattle through the program 'Earth One Million Cows'. NTB into Bali cattle germplasm resources.
Head of Culture and Tourism NTB, hoping the horse can be used as an icon Milky tourism development. Bima with other districts (City of Bima, Dompu, Sumbawa and West Sumbawa), of whom raised through horse race (pacoa jara), as is the custom ethnic society Mbojo (Bima and Dompu) during this time. Remember remember the horse Bima, Bima remember remember the horse.
Hopefully concern Bima endangered horse does not immediately occur. If that happens, the horse could only remember the bima, can no longer be seen.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: Aguatus 25, 2014 at 20:30
Tag : Bima horse.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 20:30

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