Sunday 24 August 2014




Etawa goats imported from India which is also called goat Jamnapari. High goats ranges from 90 centimeters to 127 centimeters and the females only reached 92 centimeters. The weight of the males can reach 91 pounds, while females only reach 63 pounds. His ears are long and droop down. Convex forehead and nose. Both males and females do short. Goats of this type can produce up to three liters of milk per day. Hybrid offspring (hybrid) Etawa with local goat goat known as
"a cross Etawa" or "PE". Similarly sized goat with Etawa but more adaptive to the local environment of Indonesia.
Etawa milk is derived from animal milk Etawa. According to research Etawa milk have high protein content. The content of the protein contained in milk is claimed to be almost equivalent to breast milk (ASI) and better than eggs. Here will be reviewed on superiority, efficacy, and benefits Etawa milk and also some knowledge about Etawa milk. In Indonesia is still relatively poorly informed about Etawa milk. Indonesian people themselves are more likely to not consume goat's milk due to the myth that goat milk can cause high blood pressure. However, based on the views of health research as it is not true.
Milk Etawa just the opposite, with the potassium content contained therein are useful to stabilize high blood pressure by regulating the function of the heart and suppress the risk of arteriosclerosis. This has been examined by experts for more than 4 years, and proven on more than 40 million people in America. The results of research suggests that people who consume more potassium can avoid the risk of stroke, and it proved.
It has also been revealed by dr. Zen Djaja MD (doctor / leader General Medical Center Foundation Tri Dharma, Malang) said that milk Etawa has tremendous benefits and is suitable for consumption of all classes and all ages.
What is the difference Etawa milk with other milk?
You may ask what distinguishes Etawa milk with the milk of other animals, it tries to describe here through some facts below:
Milk Etawa has antiseptic properties. Antiseptic properties contained in milk Etawa helpful to reduce the breeding of bacteria in the human body. The antiseptic properties obtained from the fluorine content it contains, and according to the research contained in the fluorine content of milk Etawa is 10-100 times more than the amount of fluorine contained in cow's milk.
Milk Etawa have alkaline properties of food and safe for the body.
Protein contained in milk protein Etawa is soft, and has a mild effect laktasen, so that the milk does not cause diarrhea Etawa.
Fat contained in milk fat Etawa classified in an easy to digest. Because of the fat contained in it has a softer texture and smoother when compared to other animal milk fat droplet.
Fat contained homogeneous natural making it safe for digestion because it is easily digested by the body and does not cause allergies reaski in the body.
Those are some facts stating that milk is milk Etawa the most beneficial to human health when compared to other types of milk. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 24, 2014 at 21:29
Tag : Etawa. 
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 21:29

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