Wednesday 27 August 2014

Did you know about Rosella.


Rosella flower.

Flowers roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa.)
Flowers roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa.)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Malvales
Family: Malvaceae
Genus: Hibiscus
Species: H. sabdariffa
Binomial name
Hibiscus sabdariffa.
Roselle, roselle, paya acid, acid and acid fringe beetle or Hisbiscus sabdariffa, is a species of flower that comes from the African continent. At first beautiful flower is also used as an ornamental for the home page as a brewed beverage warm in winter and cool in summer drinks. In his native country, Africa, roselle made jam or jelly. It is obtained from the fiber contained in roselle petals, while in Jamaica, made fruit salad eaten raw. There are times when eaten with mashed or boiled peanuts as filler after the cake is cooked with sugar. In Egypt, roselle drink cool in summer and in winter hot drink. In Sudan, became popular drinks with a mixture of salt, pepper, and molasses. Drinks were also eliminates the effects of a hangover and prevent coughing. Not infrequently, roselle is also used to the diet, the patient coughs, or diabetes using low-calorie sugar such as corn sugar. In addition, roselle flower seed powder can also be used as a mixed drink coffee.


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In Indonesia, this plant is known as the rosella or rosella while in Australia, roselle is known as the rosella or rosella fruit (fruit roselle). In other parts of the world known as roselle hibiscus cannabinus is also known as Mesta / meshta in India, Tengamora in Assam, Gongura in Telugu, Kannada Purse in, LalChatni or Kutrum in Mithila, Mathipuli in Kerala, chin baung in Myanmar, krajeab (กระเจี๊ยบ) in Thailand, bissap in Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Benin, Niger, the Congo and France, dah or dah bleni in other parts of Mali, Gambia wonjo, zobo in western Nigeria, Zoborodo in Northern Nigeria, Chaye -Torosh in Iran, Karkade (كركديه) by the Arab nations such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan, omutete in Namibia, sorrel in the Caribbean and in Latin America, Flor de Jamaica, Mexico, Panama Saril, roselle, roselle, roselle, acid or acid fringe of marsh in Malaysia. The Chinese call it the 洛神 花 (Luo Shen Hua). In Zambia the plant called lumanda ciBemba language, katolo in kiKaonde language, or the language Shengli chiLunda.


China and Thailand is the largest producer who control most of the world supply. Thailand dare to invest in producing products roselle roselle and they are included in a superior quality product. While roselle products in China seems to be somewhat less superior, less controlled, less reliable and trustworthy compared to Thailand. However, the production of the best roselle comes from the Sudan, but the quantity is low and poor processing hamper quality products that are still less than the maximum. Roselle is also produced in general in Mexico, Egypt, Senegal, Tanzania, Mali and Jamaica are also included in the important suppliers, but will but production is still consumed by the population in the country.
In the Indian subcontinent, especially in the Ganges Delta region, roselle widely cultivated as a vegetable fiber. Roselle by local communities in the region called the universe (or meshta, the characters 'ś' indicates the sound sh / sy as in she said in English and thanks in Indonesian). Most of the production from roselle fibers produced is consumed locally. But fiber (as well as cuttings or butts) from the roselle plant has a huge demand in various natural fiber industries in the world.
Roselle or paya acid is a relatively new crop in the world industry in Malaysia. Roselle was introduced in the early 1990s and commercial planting was first promoted in 1993 by the Department of Agriculture in Terengganu. Planted area is approximately 12.8 hectares (30 hektaree) in 1993, but may continue to increase to 506 ha (1,000 hektaree) in 2000 planted area is now less than 150 hectares (400 acres) per year, in Malaysia generally roselle planted in two main varieties. Terengganu was the first region and is prepared to become the largest producer in Malaysia, but roselle production has now spread to other areas in Malaysia. Although the land area on the wane over the last decade or so, roselle is becoming increasingly recognized by the public as an important health drink in Malaysia. For a fraction, roselle is also processed into sweet pickle, jelly and jam.


Efficacy roselle among others to lower uric acid, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, improve metabolism, body slimming, inhibit cancer cells, prevent canker sores and fever, adding vitality, relieve cough, prevent flu, antioxidant, antihypertensive, anticancer, antidepressant, antibiotic, aphrodisiac, diuretic (laxative urine), sedative, tonic, and lower the absorption of alcohol.
Utilization Rosella flower petals are well known and well studied by modern health experts as well as traditional health experts in various countries in the world. The flower petals are known to contain essential substances needed by the body, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, an essential protein, calcium, and 18 kinds of amino acids, including arginine and legnin that play a role in the process of rejuvenation of body cells.
Traditionally, roselle calyx extract as a potent antibiotic, aphrodisiac (increases sexual desire), diuretic (urination launched), solvents, sedatives (tranquilizers), and tonic. A study conducted by scientists Chung San Medical University in Taiwan, Chau-Jong Wang, consumption of roselle is used as one of the new ways to reduce the risk of heart disease. Flora is clinically proven able to reduce the amount of plaque that sticks to the walls of blood vessels. Not only that, roselle also has the potential to reduce levels of bad cholesterol called LDL and fat in the body. This suggests that the roselle is also beneficial to the reduction of blood pressure in people with hypertension (high blood pressure), help the diet for overweight (obesity), blood circulation, reduce fever general, for cough with phlegm phlegm launched, and can be used to launch waste big water.
Seen from the perspective of modern medicine (medicine), consume processed rosella petals regularly demonstrate equivalence with the results of modern treatment (pharmacological) on some of the following diseases:

As Hypertension Therapy. 

Roselle calyx extract containing 9.6 mg of anthocyanins daily for 4 weeks, can lower blood pressure similar to the administration of captopril 50 mg / day. Standardized roselle is made from 10 grams of dried petals and 0.52 liter of water (Herrera-Arellano, 2004). There was a decrease in systolic blood pressure by 11.2% and diastolic blood pressure by 10.7% after a given therapy roselle tea for 12 days in 31 patients with hypertension were.

Uric Acid and Kidney Health. 

High levels of uric acid, calcium and sodium in the blood in the body's normal mechanisms will be reduced by removing excess elements through the kidneys. If this condition be allowed to continue would burden the kidneys to filter the blood in the body. This condition can lead to pain in the kidneys. By eating roselle, found a decrease in creatinine, uric acid, citrate, tartrate, calcium, sodium, and phosphate in the urine in 36 men who consume as much as 16-24 g roselle juice / dl / day.

Further efficacy. 

Roselle known to contain phenolic compounds that act as antioxidants as 23.10 mg in each gram of dry weight of roselle petals. A number of antioxidants contained in the roselle has 4 times higher activity than the powder cat whiskers. Research conducted by Ir Nur Faridah Didah MSi, researchers Department of Food Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, showed that the antioxidant content owned by roselle calyx consists gossipetin compounds, anthocyanin, and glucoside hibiscin are capable of providing protection against a variety of degenerative diseases (due process aging) such as coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes mellitus, and cataracts.
Researchers Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University, De-Xing Hou found that it contains delphinidin and cyanidin 3-sambubioside 3-sambubioside, powerful anthocyanins in roselle aka leukeimia tackle blood cancers. It works by inhibiting the loss of mitochondrial membrane and release of cytochrome from mitochondria to the cytosol. If the molecule contains electrons attacked as guanine DNA, DNA replication errors easily occur. DNA damage triggers the oxidation of LDL, cholesterol, and lipids that lead to malignant diseases such as cancer and coronary heart disease. However, the antioxidants contained in roselle quell free radical molecules that attack the body that contain electrons. In short, the existence of such a mechanism to explain how the antioxidants contained in roselle petals inhibit the growth of cancer cells and incidence of coronary heart disease.
In addition to the things mentioned above, roselle is also proven to reduce the levels of triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol in the blood. Research on the effects of hibiscus relatives were against obesity is also done by Sayago-Ayerdi SG of the Department of Nutrition, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. According Sayago roselle contains 33.9% soluble fiber which helps shed fat. Nevertheless, acidity (pH) rosela reach 3.14 so need to watch out for people with stomach ulcers reaction, because the likelihood of having adverse effects.

Processing and Utilization. 

Drink made from roselle flowers.
Errors in the processing and storage will affect the effectiveness of substances in roselle. Of course it is able to reduce the usefulness of the body and the effects of consuming roselle as we expected did not show up. Damage that results in the loss of active substances benefits in roselle is actually very easy to recognize. Roselle who have lost their emergence recognizable by the color of the petals steeping rosella. The absence of typical red wine in seduhannya show roselle anthocyanin (the active ingredient in roselle) has degraded and his usefulness was no longer exists. This occurs in the form of processed roselle syrup in a clear glass bottle in direct sunlight.


To get the best efficacy in roselle petals is not difficult. To get roselle tea, flower has been picked, dried in the sun for 1-2 days in order to facilitate the separation of tongue petals with seeds. Then wash clean water and dry in the sun for 3-5 days back. Squeeze petals, if it is easy to powder means the moisture content has reached 4-5%. 2-3 g roselle tea brewed with boiling water until dissolved and the water turns to red. For diet, the patient coughs, or use a low-calorie sugar diabetes such as corn sugar. Or after being separated from the seeds, fresh roselle flowers that have been washed can be directly brewed with hot water.
In Africa, particularly in the Sahel, roselle is commonly used to make herbal sweet tea that is sold in the streets. Dried flowers can be found in the local markets. Rosella tea is also quite easy to find in Italy, where the plant is spread in the first decade of the 20th century as a typical product of the Italian colony. In Trinidad and Tobago where many produced beer, here producing Shandy Sorrel tea is combined with beer.
In Thailand, Rosella drunk as a tea, believed to also reduce cholesterol. It can also be made into wine, roselle is usually found in herbal teas are sold in the market, especially teas advertised as berry-flavored, as roselle can give a bright red color for food and drinks.


In Africa, roselle made jam or jelly. It is obtained from the fiber contained in roselle petals. Roselle can also be made fruit salad eaten raw. Can also be consumed with mashed or boiled peanuts as filler after the cake is cooked with sugar. Often bisap-called roselle in Senegal served as the traditional drink at Christmas. The trick, roselle petals mixed with slices of ginger and sugar and then placed on the pot pottery. After it is boiled and let stand overnight. Served with ice and add the rum, 'Jus' the taste, scented, and colored beverages like wine.


In Andhra cuisine, or roselle Hibiscus cannabinus called Gongura name that is widely used as cooking. Roselle leaves processed by steaming along with lentils and consumed as Dal or porridge. The cuisine is also mixed with spices and made into Pacchadi.


Many parts of the plant are also claimed to have value in terms of herbal medicines. They have been used for medicinal purposes such as Mexico through Africa, and also from India to spread to Thailand. Roselle is associated with traditional medicine and is believed to cure several diseases such as hypertension and urinary tract infections.

Phytochemicals (compounds in plants). 

These plants contain anthocyanin, protosatekuat acid, ascorbic acid, extract saliks, cardiac glycosides, flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, sardenoleda, anthocyanins delphinidin-3-O-sambubioside, cyanidin-3-O-sambubioside, dried Rosella gossypetin contains flavonoids, hibiscetine and sabdaretine. The main pigment previously reported as hibiscin been identified as daphniphylline. A small number myrtillin (delphinidin 3-monoglucoside), Chrysanthenin (cyanidin 3-monoglucoside), and delphinidin are also present in this plant.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. 
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 27, 2014 at 16:47
Tag : Did you know about Rosella.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 16:47

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