Sunday, 8 February 2015

Old Palace.

Old Palace In Loka founded in 1885 AD and was recorded as the biggest house in the world stage. Located in the heart of Sumbawa Besar Seketeng precisely in the Village District of Sumbawa, this palace has a building area of 904 square meters.

Travel to Sumbawa does not afdol if you have not visited the historic building. Included in the list of cultural heritage, the Old Palace In Loka was built in the era of Sultan Muhammad Shah III (1883 - 1931) who was the 16th sultan of the dynasty Gods In Bawa. Sultan Jalaluddin Muhammad Shah III confirmed as ruler of Sumbawa by the Dutch East Indies colonial government Deed dated October 18, 1883. From that moment Sumbawa people feel the Dutch colonial rule.

Raw materials during the construction of the palace was a large part come from remote villages around the palace. Large teak wood comes from forests Teak Timung while the roof is made of zinc from Singapore. Palace building is now used as the Regional Museum of Sumbawa is full of philosophical message of 'indigenous barenti ko Personality', Personality 'barenti ko Kitabullah'. Meaning is all customs rules and values in life joints must bersemangatkan on Islamic law. That is why, building the Palace In Loka fused with Nurul Huda Mosque.

Before the palace was built, the Sultanate of Sumbawa repeatedly changed the palace include Mount Faithful Palace, the Palace and the Palace Bala Bala Balong Sapodilla. Entering the palace complex we will find Bala Rea or also called the Great Graha stilts 99 twin and supported by wooden poles. The amount according to the nature of God contained in the Beautiful Names. In the Old Palace In Loka, we can see a typical motif carvings Sumbawa region located in various wooden ornaments.

Some rooms here have different functions. The first is the Great Lunyuk located on the front. This room is a venue for meetings, receptions and a series of other important activities. Furthermore, there Lunyuk Mas namely a special place for the queen, wife of royal ministers and key personnel when conducted ceremonies. Adjacent to the Great Lunyuk. Then there is space in the west which consists of rooms that extends from south to north as the king's bed room (repan) are only sealed netting with prayer rooms. The north side of this room is the bedroom consort together maids. Meanwhile in space in the east there are 4 pieces of rooms for the men - a princess who has been married. In addition there is a courtroom that was in the back. At night the room was used as a bed the ladies. In the castle there is also a kitchen that is located adjacent to the dish room. Bathroom or pamaning located outside the parent space that extends from room to room consort king bed. The latter is Bala Bale. This room is located right in front of the living room empress (Lunyuk Mas) and shaped home two runs. First floor level with Bala Rea as the son / daughter of the king of play. While the second floor of the nobility and wife empress watch performances in the field palace directly.

Outside there are several angles Bala Rea important as part of a whole complex of palaces like Keban Foundation (palace gardens), Bala Buko (gate / wall of the castle) and Bale Hours (home hours).

Old Palace Complex In Loka also provides a guide who will accompany us during the visit. For the location, we can ride public transportation.

Complete your holiday in Sumbawa Besar to visit some other destinations like Bala Yellow, Pumpkin Pade and Gili Sacred.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 08 February 2015 at 16:48
Tags : Old Palace.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 16:48

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