In 2000, the exact date is August 23, 2000, most of its territory was inaugurated as the Park Hill Twelve (TNBD) by the Minister of Forestry and Plantations, and recited by the President in 2001 in Edinburgh. The park is a conservation forest area is the overall extent of 60,500 hectares, with the details: 6758 hectares in the district Sarolangon, 40 669 hectares in the district of Batang, 12 483 hectares in Tebo (there are 590 acres with the difference mentioned in the decree of the Minister of Forestry) . This means astronomically TNBD located between 1º45 '- 1º58' south latitude and 102º32 '- 102º59' South Longitude this, administratively included in the three districts concerned.
Natural form of lowland, corrugated (with slope 2--40º Celsius) and hills with a height of 50-438 meters above sea level. The highest is Mount Kuran hill height of approximately 438 meters above sea level. The hills were mostly covered by secondary forest, former HPH concessions. The rest of the natural forest, than in the area of the biosphere reserve Hill Twelve there, also in the northern part of the reserve that is largely existed as production forest, and east reserves a certain extent. This forest is a lowland tropical forest wildlife habitat, such as tapirs (Tapirus indicus), and the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris Sumatra). Dominated by podzolic soil type that is not too fertile and easily eroded.
Region known as the Mount of the Twelve is located in the center of the province of Jambi. He was among the pathways land transportation, which is in between the cross central and eastern Sumatra and Jambi central passageway. It is also flanked by four rivers large enough, the river: Trunk-day is in the northern part, Powder which is in the west, Tembesi who are in the east, and Merangin which is in the south.
Based on orality.
There are various versions about the origin of the camp. The first version says that they came from West Sumatra. That said, they are the ones who do not want to be colonized by the Dutch. To that end, they went into the woods and wandered until finally there in Jambi.The second version says that they are soldiers who are lost. That said, at the time of Jambi kingdom ruled by Princess conformable Pinang Cook, the kingdom was attacked by a man who mastered Edge Black Kayo Jabung (Strait of idols). The attack was made Jambi overwhelmed. To that end, the Queen Jambi which is actually a descendant of Minangkabau kingdom for help to the King Pagaruyung. And, the king allow the petition by sending troops to Edinburgh by road (through the jungle). One time when he arrived at the Mount Twelve they run out of stock, but is far from Pagaruyung and still far from Jambi. Then, they were consulted and the result is an agreement to remain in place, with consideration if returned to Pagaruyung besides shame also not impossible to be punished by the king. Meanwhile, if you go on to Jambi besides still far too provision no longer exists. Then, they vowed to remain in place with the provisions of anyone violating it would be damned and his life miserable. The oath is as follows:
"Go forth condemned Rajo Minangkabau, downstream cursed Rajo Jambi, not sprout upwards, in the middle of the edible beetles, not deep down, wood ditimpo Punggur" (Back to Minangkabau condemned King Minangkabau, downstream to the cursed king Jambi, upward not sprout, in the middle of the edible, beetles, down is not rooted, weathered wood overwritten).
The soldiers who brought his wife and Pagaruyung tersest Twelve Hill was later lowered the camp. The election of the hill is very reasonable because there are many large rocks that can be utilized as a fortress. In addition, there hope springs and streams that provide various types of fish that are needed in their survival.
The third version says that the camp is a descendant of Princess Fruit Single Overseas and Gelumpang. It is said that in ancient times there was a male immigrants who named Single Overseas. When immigrants arrived at Bukit Twelve, one night he had a dream. In the dream he was told to take Gelumpang fruit, then the fruit was wrapped in a white cloth. If that is done then there will be a miracle. Once awake, he immediately did. Gelumpang fruit wrapped in a white cloth is transformed into a very beautiful princess (Princess Fruit Gelumpang). After great, the Princess took mating. However, Single Overseas replied that no one wants to marry. Hearing answers daughter suggested that cutting down trees Foreign Single bayur then peeled so slippery and in latitude-right on the river. Foreign flunky sent to climb from one end of the rod. Meanwhile, Princess Fruit Gelumpang up from the other end. If in the middle of the bridge they met and clashed forehead, then it means legally become husband and wife. And, it turns out they can do well. Therefore, they legally become husband and wife. Their marriage produced four children, namely Malangi Single, Single Dewo, Ivory Princess, and Princess Selaro Pinang Cook. The first is called the base of the child and the child's inheritance latter end of the inheritance.
Once, Single Malapangi and Princess Selaro Pinang Cook out of the forest and founded the village. And, this means following in the footsteps of his father as the light. Meanwhile, Princess Ivory Single Dewo and remain in the forest following the footsteps of her mother as a person Rimbo. Second parting sister group have led to disputes, but each still recognize as kin. For that, we need to distinguish the camp with the remains in the woods.
Oath Single Single Malapangi addressed to Dewo are as follows:
"That was not welcome self-direction command heir hamlet, heir when met in Rimbo in lying with it like pigs, lizards, tapirs, and python, curse filter seignorial, contact throughout Jambi oath ....". The meaning of this oath is that Rimbo it is people who do not want to think big brother (basic inheritance), when you meet her parents in pigs treated woods, surly, lizards, and snakes (all these animals, the light is forbidden to eat); will get yelled at all the people of Edinburgh.
Single oath addressed to Single Dewo Malapangi which has become Light:
"In the water captured crocodiles, on land captured panther, wood ditimpo Punggur, cursed blade on Kawi, down keno masrum sentence of God, in kabangiyang wine, ditimpo sky line, do not grow up, down is not rooted. ... And those people camping it. "nut berpadang, berpadang kelapo, dislamkan, dilur rencong meeting in, planting sense bersuruk mind, fleshy two, bergantang two, bercupak two" meaning of the oath is that people are camping it is unfortunate fact that where even people like wretched, with edible water crocodiles, tigers eat ashore, wood overwritten Punggur, condemned by the holy weapon, the curse of the sentence of God, always followed by a demon, falling skies in the afternoon, no superiors and subordinates do not have; The signs are: nut crops, coconut, dislamkan, both outside rotten inside, purified and outsmart people, guided by two / do not have a position.
However, there is some sort of agreement that the Single Malapangi and his descendants are still considered the base of inheritance and located in the village, while still living in the forests can continue to maintain indigenous ancestors (Single Overseas Princess Fruit Gelumpang).
The fourth version tells that, it is said in the past the coast of Sumatra Island is often visited by pirates. They usually come with his wife and son. Once a son known to have sex with his sister. In fact, such a relationship is an act that is prohibited by them. Therefore, the second man opposite sex was penalized form of exclusion, ie left or left to live alone in the woods. In fact, not only that; they are not allowed to gain greater self-right look to others. That's where they eventually reproduce later founded a settlement in Ulu Kepayang area, near the hamlet Penamping located on the riverbank Lalan (now included in the Province of South Sumatra). That said, this is their first settlement.
It seems important to know also that the camp many who move to Cape semiring; Lalan precisely by the river, downstream Dusun Karang Agung. In the area there was a man named Chief. The man was later appointed as head of the tribe. Therefore, the head of faction known as the Chief of the district People. Those who are in this area is called by the name of palms wide, because of their physical characteristics, namely the shape of a foot wide, especially the male. From Hero Member from Blidah, Hamlet Cambai with his wife named Polot of clans in the area betung Banyuasin, Hamlet Thunderous, they gained 6 (six) the boy that every person has the nature and expertise of the community Kubu, namely: 1) sejaring good at catching fish or catch fish, 2) semincan or semancam is threatening nature or the nature of the brave, 3) semobah or perobah is happy nature to move / transfer, 4) sebauk is characteristic of people who respected usually people who bearded or double chins, 5) senanding is the nature of the merchant, 6) semubung is the nature of the supporting or cooperating or intermediaries. The names mentioned above are also worn by the Chief himself, in the hope of a Hero Member will have or have had keenak nature and craftsmanship. The most prominent trait for a Temengung is happy, developed the coals, move the place with his wife and children. As well as their migration to the Gulf Sendawar riverside Lalan, between regions Bayung slick and Muara Bahar. In this place they do not last too long, they moved again to the area Rambahan riverside estuary upstream Bahar. In this area they settled agal long, until they reproduce. After the Chief and his wife SCARA suddenly disappear and never come back again, according to tribal public confidence Son In Chief of the district and his wife had not died. Having abandoned the Head and his wife, all the houses they meet or deliberation in Muara Bahar. They wanted to separate themselves, each one wants to find a place to stay on their own, because that is the name of Muara Bahar also known as Eid the estuary where they began to split, split up. But there are also people who remained in camp ulu Kepayang, did not participate in the movement but settled around the village penamping (the area around the estuary Bahar).
They very rarely tell the origin, ancestry or genealogy or them, because they know and feel that they are the descendants of the results of incest (incest). Besides considered impolite also a disgrace or stain for themselves. To name her parents whenever they feel anxious, because they are afraid of getting havoc, bringing evil influence. Moreover, mention forerunner those committing adultery. Therefore, they prefer to say that the embryo they came from Chief and Polot. The Chief of the descendants of the majority went to Nyarang which a small river downstream of the hamlet of daffodils. Some of them go back upriver Bahar, others settled along the river Bayat and establish Coconut Sycamore township. Coconut village called Sycamore because the camp there have planted a palm tree as an ornament. However, coconuts that have been generated from the tree, no one dared to take and eat it, because according to their assumption that something is planted or maintained if eaten will make them sick. Once upon a time there was an outsider who came to their village and asked why the coconut fruit is not used or eaten, the faction said that coconuts can make people drunk and not good. By outsiders was told that coconut water is sweet and tasty flesh, the man took a coconut and peel it and drink the water and eat his flesh.
After seeing it does not produce anything, the new faction is also believed that coconut water and coconut meat proved to be beneficial to humans. Once outside the previous arrival, they migrate again and established a new village that lies between the regions Lubuk Malang and Page Petai, they named the village with the name Coconut Many, because they started planting the area with palm trees. So to move the camp to the Edinburgh area today.
The fifth version says that the public Suku Anak Dalam or faction are those of the kingdom of Srivijaya. At the time of collapse because of Srivijaya kingdom attack Cola (India), people who do not want to subject Srivijaya under foreign rule had fled into the woods, so they came to be known as Kubu people like this present moment.
Based on the literature.
Paleo-Mongolid Ancient Malay race or origin Malay is most often found in Indonesia, by Von Eickstedt classified or grouped-grouped again in terms Proto-Malay and Malay Deustero. One element of the rest of the race can be found in Indonesia is called by the name Weddid or Weddoid. The name is derived from the name of the people who live in Sri Wedda rare, with physical features, among others, wavy hair tense or stiff, arched eyebrows and a slightly extended forward. In Indonesia, the type that is mainly found in the southwestern peninsula of Sulawesi (Toala area, Tomuna, and tokea), in South Sumatra and Jambi, the Kubu tribe, all of it in the Proto-Malay groups have physical features include body somewhat higher than with the first group, slender, round face, thick lips, broad nose and flat, lank black hair, and a face like a face Mongols as prominent cheekbones and slanted eyes. The first group considered that initially came to the archipelago, and then pressed or pushed by the second class to the interior. Proto-Malays are considered as a group that is more pure, while the Deutero-Malays have undergone various groups are more pure, while the Deutero-Malays have undergone various ethnic influences or mixed with the coast. This means that people camp included in the Paleo-Mongoloid. Thank you for reading this article.Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 10 Pebruari 2015 at 10:52
Tags : Did you know Origins People Kubu.
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