Monday, 1 September 2014

Know Rafflesia Arnoldi.

Know Rafflesia Arnoldi (Rafflesia arnoldii) with images and this characteristic as a complement to the previous article about the giant flower Rafflesia arnoldii Latin name that the public is often called Rafflesia Arnoldi (with an "i" only). Also of interest is also known as Giant Patma.
This foul-smelling giant flower designated as Rare Puspa Indonesia, one of three National Puspa Indonesia in addition Melati (Puspa Nation) and Orchid Month (Puspa Pesona).

Why Named Rafflesia arnoldii?. 

Naming these giant flowers are not removed by the history of the first discovery in 1818 in the tropical forests of Sumatra. A guide who works at Dr. Joseph Arnold who discovered a giant interest was first. Dr. Joseph Arnold himself was the center following the expedition led by Thomas Stamford Raffles.
So naming flower Rafflesia arnoldii is based on the combined name of Thomas Stamford Raffles as an expedition leader and Dr. Joseph Arnold as the inventor of interest. Getting to know the characteristics (description) and image Rafflesia Arnoldi. Rafflesia Rafflesia Arnoldi as others are obligate parasites of plants. He grew up in the trunk of lianas (vines) of the genus Tetrastigma. Rafflesia arnoldii does not have leaves that can not air its own photosynthesis. Nutrients needed flowers is taken from its host tree.

Flowers Raflesia Arnoldi. 

Flowers Raflesia.

This flower is considered unique and endemic or typical found in Indonesia. This flower was first introduced an English physicist named Sir Stamford Raffles when exploring areas of Bengkulu in the 19th century. Typically, these flowers are very pungent odor and sometimes foul-smelling. These plants including rare flora and protected by the Indonesian government and serve the national interest. In Bengkulu was made the mascot, you can find this flower in the Botanical Garden. It can take up to 9 months to bloom and lasts for 7 days.
In addition to having no leaves, flowers floral identity defined as Bengkulu province and as puspa rare (one of three national flower) Indonesia also does not have a stem or root. Practical part of the plant Rafflesia Arnoldi which looks just growing interest only within a certain time.
Rafflesia Arnoldi flower (Rafflesia arnoldii) has flowers with 5 petals wide. When blooming flowers can reach a diameter of between 70-110 cm with a height of 50 cm and weighing up to 11 kg.
At the base of the flower in the middle of the barrel-shaped stamen or pistil there, depending on the sex of flowers. the existence of the pistil and stamens are not in the house makes the percentage of success of assisted reproduction by an insect flies are very small, because it is not necessarily two different flowers growing sex at the same time in adjacent places.
This flower growth period takes up to 9 months, but the flowering period is only 5-7 days. After that rafflesia will wither and die.
Habitat, Distribution, and Conservation. A number of flower Rafflesia Arnoldi parties believe or Patma Giant is a plant endemic to Sumatra. This giant flower can only be found in Bengkulu. Although at several other places such as in Aceh and Malaysia have been reported growth of flower Rafflesia arnoldii, but it is possible that there are other types of Rafflesia.
Some locations are often found growing interest among others in Rafflesia Arnoldi Kerinci Seblat National Park (TNKS), Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP), Elephant Training Center (PLG) Seblat (North Bengkulu district), and Padang District Jar Kaur. BBSNP itself has been defined as the center of this plant conservation. Flower Rafflesia Arnoldi is rare plants, hard to find, as well as endemic. Moreover, its existence is as if hiding for months in the host body until finally blossoming flowers grow just a week. Because of that, the interest is set as puspa rare, accompanied puspa nation, and puspa charm (3 national flower of Indonesia) by Presidential Decree No. 4 of 1993 on Animals and the National Interest. Rafflesia Arnoldi has so far not been successfully bred in ex-situ (outside their natural habitat). From 30s Rafflesia, Rafflesia only patma who have been able to breed outside of their habitat and flowering in 2010 yesterday at the Garden. But apparently the International conservation agencies do not include it as one of the endangered plants. IUCN Redlist not include any interest in the status of threatened Rafflesia Arnoldi. Even from about 30 Rafflesia species worldwide, only one species is considered endangered Rafflesia magnifica namely that grows in the Philippines. Even so, the rate of deforestation, forest fires, as well as more extensive shrinkage Sumatran forest become a serious threat to the preservation of this giant flower. Moreover, coupled with irresponsible attitude of some people who undermine and take this interest.
Not carrion flowers. Rafflesia Arnoldi, although equally stinking corpse flower flowers yet. Because carrion flowers is the name for Amorphpophallus titanium (Titan Arum) which is the largest compound interest. Difference between the two can be read in "Differences Rafflesia arnoldii and carrion flowers".
We deserved pride that of the 30s 'brother Rafflesia Arnoldi' (Rafflesia species) Indonesia has the highest number of 15 species types. And even more proud because Rafflesia Rafflesia Arnoldi which is the largest even holds the record as the largest flower in the world is growing endemic in Sumatra, Indonesia. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. 
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 1st, 2014 at 16:54
Tag : Rafflesia Arnoldi.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 16:54

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