Wild boar or also known as wild boars, Sus has a Latin name Orazio. The wild boar is a pig genus Sus, part of the family Suidae. The species has many subspecies and is the ancestor of pigs bred. Boars scattered in various corners of the world, ranging from central and northern Europe, the Mediterranean Region, and many in Asia, including Japan to the South to Indonesia and Australia. Wild boar body size varying from small to large. Some even can rival the size of a giant boar (Giant forest hog). High adult boar measured from shoulder approximately 55-110 cm. Adult boars can reach lengths of 90 to 200 cm, it has not been coupled with a long tail that can reach 15-40 cm. Weight boars average about 50-90 kg, depending on the area where he lives. Male boar have long fangs growing from the upper and lower canines them. The long fangs useful tool as well as a weapon. Boar tusk length is normally about 6 cm. But there are some that can reach 12 cm. Wild boar females also have fangs, but tend to be smaller. When you feel threatened, wild boar male will lose his head and butting bully with sharp fangs and powerful. While wild boar female will usually raise his head and biting nuisance. The wild boar is indeed one prey tiger, but the tiger always avoid attacking boar adult males, because in some cases, tigers have died since boar horns punctured. Humans should also be very wary of this one animal, especially if the boar was with his son. Children boar has a different color to the adult boar. Children boar has brown fur with striped or spotted cream-colored all over his body. The lines will be more disappears with age boar. The wild boar is usually adult males are solitary except during the mating season, whereas female wild boar and her son will live in a group called a sounder. A sounder usually consists of about 20 head of wild boar, but there is also containing more than 50 animals. The group usually consists of 2 or 3 sows with their children. And one of the sows will be the most dominant. The structure of the group will change when one of the females (either the parent or child) is ready to mate and migrate. Wild boar sometimes be nocturnal, but sometimes also be crepuscular (active at dusk and dawn). These animals are omnivorous animals, whatever they could find they eat, ranging from grass to the carcass. Even in Australia, wild boar also be predators of lambs and young deer.
Scientific Classification: Kingdom: Animalia; Phylum: Chordata; Class: Mammalia; Order: Artiodactyla; Family: Suidae; Genus: Sus; species; Sus verrucosus (Muller 1840).
Description, Physical Characteristics, and Habits.
Characteristic of Javan wart hogs or pigs (Sus verrucosus) is the length of the mane or feathers from the neck, along the spine, until it reaches the base of the tail. It also has three pairs of warts (hardened lumps of meat) in his face.Body length of about 90-190 cm with a shoulder height ranges between 70-90 with the weight varies between 44-108 kg. Reddish yellow body feathers black hinga. The tail is long and tufted ends, slimmer legs and elongated.
Wart hogs can be aged 10-14 years.
Wart hogs are nocturnal animals are solitary, but sometimes in groups. An omnivorous although more often eat plants such as leaves, roots and tubers, bark, or stems, seeds, and nuts.When you feel threatened mane on the neck and back will stand. Meanwhile, to communicate with their fellow, especially when warned of the danger, wart hog screeching noises.
Distribution, Habitat, and Conservation.
Goteng wart hogs or swine, Sus verrucosus, a wild boar that are endemic to Java and P.Bawean. The population that was once there in P. Madura is now believed to be extinct (Semiadi & Meijaard 2006). Habitat is lowland secondary forests up to an altitude of 800 meters above sea level.In 2000, the IUCN Species Survival Commission put Sus verrucosus in the Endangered category, or as the type who face the possibility of extinction in the wild is quite high. This was due to a decrease in population in the last 10 years, such a population fragmented high or a decline in the sub-population and the number of mature individuals (IUCN 2000). So far, Indonesia has not entered into a wart hog wildlife that must be protected.
Wart hog threat of extinction in Indonesia due to the loss of habitat is to be a settlement pigs and agricultural areas by population. In addition, these pigs are often hunted as destructive agricultural area and there are some people who use it as a food ingredient.
It required effort in the rescue and preserve it. Businesses that can be done, among others, is to rehabilitate back some natural shelter habitat for pigs (in situ conservation) or in captivity (ex situ conservation). Knowing the health status of pigs is essential to achieve the effectiveness of maintenance management, in addition to preventing the possible spread of diseases caused by pigs wider.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 1st, 2014 at 13:11
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