Monday, 1 September 2014

Dragon fruit unfruitful.

Dragon fruit flowers.

About dragon fruit plants would not bloom or if it will bloom could not even fall into pieces. How many cases experienced by beginners who may still be unfamiliar with crop science.

The way aid pollination.

Flower parts dragon fruit.

1.  Never Do Trimming. 

The most frequently occurs in many people about dragon fruit plant matter is not never done pruning the branches, and some have complained of dragon fruit will not bear fruit. Having held research, it turns out that the plant is allowed to grow vines fenced and very long until many meters irregular. Pruning is done on purpose to prevent the dragon fruit grow continuously branch and sprout. With the trimming is done, then the branch growth will stop. So the nutrients in plants are not used for shoot growth, but it is used for fruit formation. And do not forget, in the fruitful elements of P and K should be given more than the elements of N.

2.  Not Exposed to Sunlight. 

Dragon fruit plants are required to direct sunlight, because if not dragon fruit plants will not grow well let alone to bear fruit. Most cases are propagated plants on the fence, the other large plants, or plant under the shady trees that are not exposed to sunlight, there is also a plant in a pot but placed in a room or patio.

3.  Pollination Not Perfect. 

Much has happened, dragon fruit plants already grown flowers but a few days later and failed to fall into pieces. Actually, dragon fruit flower on the plant including the flower perfectly where the flowers have stamen and pistil. For planting in open areas such as yard or garden, assisted pollination by insects or it could be the wind. But there are many garden owners that help pollination, the flowers bloom when the finger is inserted in the flower and slowly rotated to aid pollination. But basically without human assistance dragon fruit flowers also can occur naturally pollinated. And the most important is the element according to the fertilizer needed in the formation of the fruit must be met and there is no pest / disease on dragon fruit plants, the flowers can still grow flowering and fruiting well.
Some little things that less attention beginners:

1.  Rooting too deep. 

Dragon fruit plants are planted in the media resulted in too deep root growth to be slow and not optimized.

2.  Planting medium is too wet. 

The composition of the dragon fruit growing media should not keep the water too long / pooled resulting stem rot. The need for withdrawal of land into a mound so that the water does not stagnate.

3.  Manure is not ripe. 

The use of immature manure will cause decay because many bacteria bullies. Manure drying and let sit for a month on the new use.

4.  Not Noting Element Fertilizer. 

In its infancy it takes a high element of N and the fruiting period needed element P and K were high. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 1st, 2014 at 20:26
Tag : Dragon fruit unfruitful.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 20:26

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