Olive (Olea europaea) is a small tree annual and perennial green, the young fruit can be eaten raw or after preserved as a refresher. Old fruit is squeezed and the oil extracted into olive oil that can be used for various purposes. Olives is a member of the tribe of Oleaceae.
The characteristics and distribution.
Olive plants have characteristics such as:grows as a shrub has a bell-shaped flowers
single leaf with leaf position dealing without leverage
effeminate or unisexual flowers and fruit riding
fruit in the form of stone fruit with seed has endosperm
Olives begin to bear fruit at the age of five years and can reach thousands of years old, so that was a big tree shrubs have become. The olive trees are thousands of years old of whom ever found in Palestine which survived until 2,000 years.
Its distribution covers the hot climate regions to temperate climates. Most species are found in Asia and the Mediterranean region. This plant is related to jasmine (Jasminum sambac).
Symbols and benefits.
Leafy olive branches are often used as a symbol of peace and has long been a part of Western culture. In this society became the symbol of the olive branch of peace and has grown since hundreds of years ago to take the fruit is delicious. Of the philosophy that we can take the essence of the olive growing will bring peace.Many of the benefits of this olive tree. In addition to the delicious fruit, the wood of the olive tree is also very good, loud and beautiful. In addition to edible olives are also used as a food flavoring. When squeezed fruit, we can obtain oil. This oil can be used as a salad dressing and later widely used for cosmetic ingredients that can keep the skin moisture and firmness that is believed to make the skin youthful.
Az Zaytun boarding school in Indramayu have on his side boulevard planted with olive trees.
Olive Fruit Benefits For Beauty.
One of the compositions contained in olive ekstract Moment Teragen is that often we call olive oil (olive oil), what are the benefits for beauty.Apparently a lot of benefits contained in the olives in beauty care including:
Contains fatty acids that can maintain moisture and elasticity and smoothness of skin. Eliminate fine lines on the face. It also contains vitamin E are fat soluble, so it can protect cells from harmful free radicals.
Olive fruit contains antioxidant compounds that help the circulation of blood flow, thus serving to prevent the blockage of blood vessels that are the cause of heart disease. Strengthening the Immune System Body olives efficacious to keep the immune system, so as to reduce minor ailments such as colds and coughs.
Treating Digestive Disorders Eating fresh olive fruit juices can overcome digestive disorders.
Olives good for a diet program. By eating this fruit every day can prevent obesity. This is because the olive fruit contains monounsaturated fat thus speeding up the fat burning process in the body and prevents the formation of fat from consuming excessive sugar.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 29, 2014 at 20:51
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