Thursday 28 August 2014

Did you know Peanuts.

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a leguminous cover crops or legume Fabaceae cultivated members of the tribe, as well as being the second most important pulses after soybean in Indonesia. Crops originating from the Americas this shrub grows as high as 30 to 50 cm (1 to 1 ½ feet) with small leaves arranged compound.
This plant is one of two types of cultivated plants other than legumes Bogor, Voandziea subterranea are experiencing ripening fruit below ground level. If the young fruit is exposed to light, the seed maturation process is interrupted.
In Indonesia, it is also known as peanut una, suuk (Sd.), Jebrol beans, nuts bandung, nuts tuban, chole beans, and nuts banggala. In international trade known as the English language: peanut, groundnut.
The history and development.
This plant originated from South America to be exact is Brazillia, but now has spread throughout the world in tropical or subtropical. The entry of peanuts to Indonesia in the 17th century is estimated as carried by merchants Spanish, Chinese, or Portuguese while doing his voyage from Mexico to the Moluccas after 1597 In 1863 Holle enter Peanuts of England and in 1864 Scheffer also enter Nuts land of the Egyptian People's Republic of China and India is now the world's largest peanut producer.

Sentra planting. 

Peanuts originated centered on India, China, Nigeria, the United States and Gombai, then spread to other countries.
In Indonesian peanut concentrated in Java, North Sumatra, Sulawesi and has now grown in Indonesia


Can be used to feed livestock, seeds are used as a source of vegetable protein, oil and others. As crop cultivation, especially peanuts harvested seeds are rich in protein and fat. The seeds can be eaten raw, boiled (in the pod), fried, or roasted. In the United States, the seeds are processed into a kind of peanut butter and a food industry that is profitable. Groundnut oil production reached about 10% cooking oil market in the world in 2003 according to the FAO. Besides harvested seeds or pods, peanut leaves and stems are also harvested for animal feed or a green manure.


Groundnut cultivation in Indonesia is divided into two types which are:

Upright type. 

Type These beans grow straight or slightly tilted upwards, the fruit contained in the sections near the grove, generally short and early maturing fruit ripening simultaneously.

Type creeper. 

This species grows towards the side, a length of the main stem, the fruit contained in the sections adjacent to the land and its general longevity. Spread type is preferred because it has a higher yield potential.


Yielding varieties of peanuts are marked with the following characteristics:
High yield.
Short lifespan (early maturing) between 85-90 days.
The result is stable.
Resistant to major diseases (rust and leaf spot).
Drought tolerant or muddy soil.
Peanut varieties famous in Indonesia, namely
Nuts Brul, short-lived (3-4 months).
Chinese peanuts, long-lived (6-8 months).
Peanut Holle, a mixed type from crosses between existing varieties. Holle nut can not be equated with other nuts because of different varieties.

The content of Nutrition. 

Peanuts are rich in fat, contains high protein, iron, vitamin E and calcium, vitamin B complex and Phosphorus, vitamins A and K, lecithin, choline and calcium. Protein content in peanuts is much higher than meat, eggs and soya beans. Has a sweet taste and is widely used to make various types of cakes.
Peanuts are also said to contain ingredients that can build endurance in preventing several diseases. Consuming an ounce of nuts five times a week reported soil can prevent heart disease. Peanuts work increase and decrease the ability of the heart pumps resoki coronary heart disease. Eating a handful of peanuts every day especially those having diabetes can help reducing substances.
Peanuts contain Omega 3 fats are polyunsaturated and Omega 9 which is a monounsaturated fat. In 1 ounce of peanuts, there are 18 grams of Omega 3 and Omega 9 17 grams Peanuts contain phytosterols that it can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, by restraining the absorption of cholesterol from food is circulated in the blood and reduce the re-absorption of cholesterol from the liver, as well as while maintaining HDL cholesterol.
Peanuts also contain arginine may stimulate the body to produce nitrogen monoxide which serves to fight the tuberculosis bacteria.
Studies show peanuts can be as lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood, memorable for the relief of disease hemophilia or easy bleeding tendency, whitish disease and insomnia. But Peanut was prevented in those who face the disease of breast cancer and who have acne or acne problems are also advised to stop eating peanuts.


Peanut tree is in bloom.
a) Rainfall suitable for peanut plants between 800-1300 mm / year. The rain is too hard will result in loss of interest so as to avoid pollination by bees. In addition, persistent rain will increase the humidity around the peanut crop.
b) Air temperature for groundnut crop is not too difficult, because the minimum temperature for the growth of peanuts around 28-32 degrees C. When the temperature is below 10 degrees C caused a bit stunted plant growth, even so stunted growth due to interest is less than perfect.
c) Air humidity for peanut plants ranged between 65-75%. The presence of high rainfall will increase the humidity too high around the planting.
d) full sunlight irradiation sorely needed for groundnut crop, especially fertility and developmental magnitude bean leaves.

Planting media. 

a) The type of land that is suitable for groundnut crop is kind of loose soil / light textured and fertile.
b) The degree of acidity of the soil suitable for cultivation of groundnut is a pH between 6.0-6.5.
c) Lack of water will cause the plant to thin, stunted, wilt and eventually die. Necessary water plants derived from springs or water sources that exist around the planting site. Harmonious and well drained soil or land that is not too wet and not too dry, good for growing peanuts.

Altitude place. 

Good altitude and ideal for groundnut crop is at an altitude of between 500 m above sea level. Certain types of peanuts can be planted at a certain altitude to be able to grow optimally.

Pests and diseases. 

Some pests and diseases that can attack peanuts are :
Wilt disease.
Wilt disease caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas solanacearum. During the day time the scorching sun suddenly drooping plants like disimm hot water, plants die instantly. Way control with crop rotation, spraying or Agrimycin Streptomycin, 1 ha requires 0.5-1 liters. Agrimycin the solubility of 200-400 liters / ha.
Leaf spot disease .
Leaf spot disease caused by the fungus Cercospora personata. Spotting inflicted on the upper leaves while the lower leaves brown black. Amid leaf spot sometimes there are black spots on the konidiospora. This fungus occurs in the plant ages 40 -50 days to 70 days. This fungus can be controlled by Antmkol or Dakonil, spraying is done at the plant finishes flowering, with intervals of spraying 1 week or 10 days.
Sclerotium disease.
The disease is caused by Sclerotium rolfsii, damaging crops during damp weather. Fungus attack on the base of the stem, the soft part of the plant, causing dark patches. Affected plants will wither and die. Control: by improving irrigation, so that irrigation water can flow.
Rust disease.
The disease is caused by Uromyces arachidae, attacked the young plants causing leaf brown mottled leaves become dry. Control by planting resistant varieties.
aflatoxin contamination
Contamination of peanuts by Aspergillus flavus can produce aflatoxins.
Aflatoxins, especially B1 known to be carcinogenic, toxic, hepatotoxins, and mutagenic in humans, mammals, and birds. In peanuts, B1 is found in fresh pods , peas, dry beans, and processed products, to prevent the infection can be done by improving cultivation, especially irrigation at critical periods, post-harvest drying, nutritional needs, and control of leaf diseases.
Empoasca pests.
Pests are important for groundnut crop is pest Empoasca. These pests are not too detrimental to plant peanuts. How to control with insecticides available.
Uret pests.
Pests that eat the roots, stems and pods the bottom of the plants eventually wilt and die. How to control the simultaneous planting, weeding intensive, revoked and uret infected plants destroyed.
Colored caterpillar pests
Pests that damage the leaves become yellow folded, eventually dries. Control by spraying insecticides way Azodrin 15 W5C, Sevin or Sevin 85 S 5 D.
Caterpillar pests grapyak
Pests that eat the leaf epidermis and bone in groups. How to control (1) clean the weeds, planted simultaneously, crop rotation; (2) spraying insecticide Lannate L, Azodrin 15 W5C.
Inch caterpillar pests
Pests that attack the leaves of bean tanah.Cara control by spraying insecticides Basudin 60 EC Azodrin 15 W5C, Lannate L Sevin 85 S.
pests Sikada
Pests that suck the fluid leaves. How to control (1) simultaneously planting, crop rotation; (2) spraying insecticide Lannate 25 WP, Lebaycid 500 EC, 5D Sevin, Sevin 85 S, Supraciden 40 EC.
Leaf beetle pest.
Pests that feed on the leaves seem hollow, leaves bones, also eat flower buds. How to control (1) planting in unison; (2) spraying Agnotion 50 EC, 15 Azodrin W5C, Diazeno 60 EC. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. 
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name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 28, 2014 at 13.00
Tag : Did you know Peanuts. 
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:00

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