Saturday 23 August 2014

Avoiding Atherosclerosis.


Calcification commonly occurs in the elderly or the elderly, but is now also widely attacked calcification executives who daily busy in the office.
Calcification occurs primarily in blood vessels, but that actually is not stiff blood vessels due to calcification but rather due to deposition or cholesterol deposits in blood vessel walls. It is ultimately disrupts blood flow and can lead to coronary heart disease or stroke. This condition is called atherosclerosis.
From a number of studies, including Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Joseph Goldstein of the University of Texas at Dallas, there are people who have high cholesterol lineage; meaning derived by his ancestors. So heredity plays an important role in the emergence of this condition. But no need to despair because of sports exercises and meal arrangements can overcome it.
The definition of the setting in this case is not eating a proper diet, but it takes time to familiarize yourself with healthy meals. Meat is a major source of cholesterol and saturated fat, but not at all mean that we should not eat meat, but it should be realized that the meat is not the main meal. Meat only serve as a side dish alone, choose lean meat, such as chicken or fish.
Related to other food sources, httt:// he researchers suggested to reduce the consumption and use of dairy milk (whole milk), butter and dairy products other than milk. High fat content of dairy milk, less than 3.3%. Choose lower fat content milk, the 1% only, or use skim milk, but it also reduce all types of fat. If you covet fat for cooking, choose monounsaturated fats (olive oil, canola oil) and polyunsaturated fats (corn oil, sunflower oil) tends to be lower cholesterol. We recommend that you do not cook with animal fat. The most important reduce fried foods.
If for setting the food we often feel hungry it's normal, but you can add to your meals with fruits and vegetables eaten daily. Mealtimes try to always present the vegetables and fruits. Should reduce dessert (desert) the materials of which consists of a combination of eggs, sugar, cream, butter, and butter, the better his dessert fruits are replaced.
Still hungry too? Add any number of foods that contain lots of fiber, especially soluble fiber as blocking the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine so that blood cholesterol levels are not increased. Limit your intake of eggs to 4 points each week but keep in mind, many foods containing eggs.
If you are an executive who frequently eat at the restaurant, especially for lobbying and business negotiations, use the instructions above to select menu. If you do not yet know what ingredients are contained in the food, do not hesitate to ask the waitress. It is necessary that the input of cholesterol in the body is not too much. But if only occasionally eat at a restaurant, should not hesitate to choose the preferred dish in the menu list. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 23, 2014 at 18:54
Tag : Avoiding Atherosclerosis.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:54

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