Saturday 23 August 2014

About Advertising.

Currently we need to know that a lot of advertisements on television. Various products competed with each other in order to serve ads that their products are in demand by the general public and they are interested to buy it. Not only through the medium of television, but the manufacturers of these products also make some kind of billboards on the highway. Inadvertently road users also see the ads posted it. Maybe not through the medium of television or billboards but also through flyers can. Examples are mini-mini which now can be encountered in any area. In marketing the products they sell, the way they do that is by displaying a picture of the product along with the price of each product, but sometimes they also add the lure of a discount that consumers are tempted to buy the product.
In each of the ads aired on television or on a display by using the billboard has its own meaning and purpose. The majority of manufacturers of these ads are advertisements with a view to introducing the brand to the general public and force them to buy the product.  Sentences which are the series of such images that have meaning to force consumers to buy and use these products. Moreover, Indonesian society is a consumer society. Once seeing new products come directly they try to buy without thinking about their economy and from all aspects. The most important thing for the consumer is that the new output of goods should get it.
Actually, most of the ads that are profitable for the company that their products are known by many people. They have much in the way of introducing their products to the consumers tempted by the sentence pronounced by the advertising model. As experience alone, Indonesia's leading cosmetic beauty.

About the different types of existing ads: 

Commercial advertising: 

Advertising campaign that aims to support the marketing of products or services. For instance advertisements circulated through leaflets.

Strategic Ads:

This ad is used to build brands and communicate brand value and benefits of the product. For instance advertising ponds, alkaline batteries, etc..

Tactical ad: 

This ad has an urgent nature, meant to encourage consumers to immediately make contact with the brand being advertised. For instance advertising shoe polish.

Corporate ad: 

This ad is used to build the image of a company that is marketing a product or service that is being produced by the company. For instance GSM SIM Card ad, wall paint, etc.

Public service announcements: 

This ad to sell an idea or ideas for the benefit of the community together. For instance ads contain a call to immediately pay the taxes.

The types of ads above them have a purpose to create awareness of a brand in the minds of consumers. Currently, many ads use a fairly long duration when the duration of the ad it has its own rules. If the duration of the ad is the same as other programs, the audience will be confused how to distinguish a television program with advertising. Therefore it is better if you want to put the advertisements that you have prepared, please post it on this blog


Hopefully my writing is useful for the general public. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
hrtps: //
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 23, 2014 at 15:20
Tag : About Advertising. 

Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:20

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