Monday 1 September 2014

Hog deer.

It turns out that European researchers are familiar with Pig Deer (Babyroussa babbyrussa) since the 17th century. In 1658 a Dutch citizen named Piso Latin illustrating swine deer with only with pieces of skull were found. Although the illustration is far from the actual body of hog deer, but a piece of the skull has become hog deer opener study in Europe.
Alfred Russel Wallace, the rover scientists rejoiced when his ship docked in Sulawesi. Information obtained about the many animals and plants on the island to witness the existence stirring. For the first time he saw a deer in the forest pigs Likupang Minahasa in 1860 he was able to create a visual documentation of Sulawesi's endemic animals, picture of animals Piso is then refined after 200 years. Piso describe hog deer as an animal that has fangs curved in front of his eyes, slim body the size of a large dog or a deer villages, such as hunting dog fur is grayish, this animal has a mouth and a head like a pig in general with small eyes and ears. Nails and legs like a deer, the tail is coiled coiled like a spiral. Hog deer is described as wild animals originate from ancient times.
Custom body armed with a deer skull Piso Pig makes Lynn Marion Clayton, Eco-Biology doctoral hog deer from Oxford University, England spent 21 years in the forest Nantu, Boliyohuto mountain region.
Pig tail deer are not coiled like a spiral, but straight.
Book hog deer Piso is a reference work of the oldest ever found in Europe. This book is in Leiden and well-known in the Netherlands and Europe.
This rare animal has always been an attraction for researchers and scientists of Europe, the uniqueness of body shape is interesting. Just as Anoa, is a species endemic to pig deer living in Sulawesi, the transition area between the Asian and Australian influences.
Studies conducted by Indonesian scientists about these animals are relatively few, in fact it mostly came from the work of many years Dr. Lynn Clayton, and many scientists are referring to the country's research results.
Large-scale massacres have reduced the number of hog deer, hunters generally set traps in the area usually take pigs or on the outskirts of Adudu pool. Before there was supervision, every week no less than 20 pigs killed deer in the woods Nantu, the carcass was sent to the Minahasa and Manado to be traded. The tail is only appreciated in the hands of 150,000 hunters, the amount is nothing compared scientific value. Unlike wild boar or other types, hog deer birth only 1 to 2 tails every birth, no more, so the development is very slow. Poaching has turned Nantu population in forest areas. When through the forest towards Adudu, many traces of animals are found in moist soil and wet. A former hunter explained, hog deer footprints rounder while boars tend to be square.
These animals have no place to live (nest) were settled, they roam throughout the forest not far from Adudu and when night fell choose to sleep in between the roots of the big tree. Uniquely, it has the unique wildlife of Sulawesi "bathroom" shaped puddle of water. In this body-sized pool hog deer urine mixes with the water and enjoy the freshness. Habit after a shower, the boar will rub her body full of mud in the trees as markers travel area. Just ordinary people who watched live hog deer which could see the former rubbing the animal's body in the trunk.
In Nantu forest that stores this incomparable natural wealth can also see traces of hog deer give birth. Females give birth to collect pieces of leaves to be used as the base. A wide variety of shrubs and bushes of leaves, even the leaves are cut to be used as a mattress woka. On top of these pads tiny baby pigs born deer. Hog deer are very sensitive, they can not live in an area that is already open. This is the difference with the wild boar. Hog deer can only live in the forest that still maintained its authenticity. Fortunately Gorontalo has Nantu forest which still keeps the most comprehensive wealth of tropical rainforest in Sulawesi, society must look after it.  Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. 
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 1st, 2014 at 14:09
Tag : Hog deer.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:09

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